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  1. Hi Folks, I've stumbled on the very same request from my client also, my quick fix for the time being is provide an sql query through sql manager, which is not too pretty. Is somebody working on this module or not ? This is my query for the product sales report, note that we need to specify the date range parameter manually. SELECT P.reference as SKU, PL.`name` as Product_Name, COUNT(OD.id_order) as ordered_qty FROM ps_product P LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang PL ON P.id_product = PL.id_product LEFT JOIN ps_order_detail OD ON P.id_product = OD.product_id LEFT JOIN ps_orders O ON O.id_order = OD.id_order WHERE O.valid = 1 GROUP BY P.reference, PL.`name` ORDER BY ordered_qty DESC
  2. Hi, you can try just deleting the .htaccess file, and then access your BO. The "Internal server error 500" should be logged in your web server / hosting error_log, try to take a look at that file, could be another issue unrelated to htaccess though.
  3. Okay, I'm entering another chapter in your story now. So you basically are a third party voucher / deal provider company ? You have vouchers that can be redeemed in other people websites (in this case people with Prestashop website). The vouchers will be validated by your website, and then return whether a voucher is valid or not. If the voucher is valid, the Prestashop in that website will create a cart rule for that voucher (you got this already, no problem) If the voucher is invalid, you need to tell the customer an error message. (this is where you're stucked) Assuming you used AJAX call to send voucher code from Prestashop website to your website (or web service), if you encounter an error, you can just display it anywhere in the page, for example // ajax call if (response_data->error) { $('#template').before('error voucher code'); }
  4. Ok, but now you're stuck because every voucher your customer input is being treated as a valid voucher, even though is a bogus voucher code? Are you trying to tell the customer with bogus voucher code something like : ------------------- There is 1 error This voucher does not exists. ------------------- What method of validation are you using to determine whether a voucher code is valid or not ? You can use the existing voucher code form, just change the form behavior to AJAX call instead of regular submit.
  5. Hi, If your hosting has PDO and PDO_MYSQL as they claim to be, then you should be able to view the similar information in your phpinfo() as the screen shot above shows.
  6. Wait, so you're saying the customer type-in a *voucher* code that doesn't exist in the first place in the PS cart rule? 1. Customer type-in (validate using external/third party validation I assume) --> AJAX request 2. Create the cart rule 3. Apply the cart rule --> AJAX response (update cart summary, prices, total amount, etc) Now can you just apply the error message / handling in the AJAX response?
  7. In that case you could imitate how Google analytics ecommerce tracking works, using javascript call to add the products to the cart. As long as you have a reference (in this case its in your wishlist) that defines particular LIST-FAMILY has product1,product2, product3, you can do that javascript call to add the products to the cart. It's actually kinda simulating (or faking) the user clicks of "add to cart" of all the products within that list. Or another way to do it is to go to the controller and make some hack.
  8. Hi there, glad that "indirectly" solve your problem. Please take your time to edit and mark your topic subject as [sOLVED]
  9. Hi, just like the latitude / longitude size problem http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/269436-longitude-field-error-i-can-not-enter-my-google-map-location/page__p__1347972#entry1347972 the upc size is coded inside PS class variable, and not configurable. You need to manually change the size setting classes/Product.php line 260 'upc' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isUpc', 'size' => 12), change the size to whatever number you require. Please see the latitude / longitude topic first for details about using override folder and removing cache/class_index.php
  10. Hi there, Sorry for leaving you out in the dark, some of us do have a life beyond 1010 esp during weekends Let's try to look more on your details 1. Customer goes to checkout page 2. Customer type-in the Voucher code 3. Page doesn't reload, instead send an AJAX request, apply / redempt the voucher 4. Update cart summary to reflect the voucher redemption Is my point of view correct? Where are you now exactly, what are the files you have modified? cheers
  11. Hi Gowtham, You can use an extended version of "Product Pack" done by our friend Keuthce Basically Keuthce developed a module of "product pack", where customer can remove any product from that pack, change the qty, select option. http://keutche-dev.com/blog/2013/08/packs-items-removal-option/ I think this would be a good start to achieve your requirements.
  12. PS comes with default js behaviour class iframe which triggers the fancybox. You can use this immediately in your CMS by having a usual thumb-largesize image pairs.
  13. Hi there, Have you tried with fresh install of PS ? I check on my end, and there isn't any shipping option for virtual product indeed. Sorry to hear this again "can't replicate" Can you give more detail about your shop, whether you have additional shipping module installed? Or can you share the link to your shop? cheers.
  14. Hi, I assume by "import" you mean importing products, orders, customers. You can try to migrate the tables related to those data manually through PHPMyAdmin. But before doing that, maybe it's best to do a *really* clean install of PS and Quickpay Module (freshly downloaded from their site), use some sample data, and perform order. See if that works well. If not, there's no point of importing your data there. If that works, then you can start migrating your products, orders, customers to that fresh site. cheers.
  15. So your problem is you got your order created (in ps_order), you got your order saved in your Quickpay Merchant, but you have absolutely nothing in order history. What actually did they mean by "general Prestashop error"? Are they admitting there's something wrong with their PS module? Since we already ruled out possibility of PS error by using bank wire module.
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