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Rhobur last won the day on June 10 2024

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  1. It seems you need to upgrade the klarnapaymentsofficial module, ask the developer for a compatible version if there is any.
  2. There are a bunch of resources for images if you loo here https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/webservice/reference/#available-resources You can access them with https://example.com/api/{resource_key}
  3. If by that you mean the webservices, here it is https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/webservice/
  4. This is enabled already in the .htaccess created upon install but you need to have it server side enabled too e.g. mod_deflate, mod_gzip enabled as apache module
  5. Please open a new topic for your issue do not use another's. There is a quite explanatory module creation documentation at https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/
  6. Doesn't matter where from, you have to use SSL and try what I have advised. There are ways to set up SSL on localhost, google for this.
  7. Try with setting the "Cookie SameSite" to None in Advanced Parameters -> Administration.
  8. It is in classes/Employee.php. So, $employee = new Employee()... and so on..
  9. Error 28 means the files and DB were already upgraded so everything should be right.
  10. I mean set the Catalog mode to Yes, this disable the shopping cart.
  11. Glad to help! Please edit your first post and add [SOLVED] before the title so others in the future can see the solution for such cases.
  12. It is clear.. ask your provider to switch PHP to at least 7.2 After that, be prepared to have issues with the some third party modules if they are not PHP7.2 compatible case in which contact the developers and ask for newer versions.
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