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  1. Thank you Matt75, I had the same issue and solved with your suggestions (modify ps_mbo.php and clear cache).
  2. Thank you for your reply. I'm exactly in your same configuration PS and module 4.1.1 but it doesn't work properly in the backend. Infact, when I try to modify text and hit "Save" nothing happens... I've also seen tha, following upgrade from previous version 3.0.1, in mysql database there are two different tables: ps_psreassurance (related to the new versione) and also ps_reassurance (related to the old one)... Something in the upgrade has not gone correctly! Also disinstallation and reinstallation don't change nothing to me.
  3. I agree with you, it should be implied that a module upgrade has been tested and is stable... but this is not the case. Is there any way to revert to the previous module version? Furthermore I noted in the database that there are two tables: ps_psreassurance (related to the last version 4.1.1) and ps_reassurance (maybe related to the previous version)...
  4. Dears, I resume this thread because have the same problem of Boris: after upgrade of the module it looks very different from the previous one (different icons and colours). Then if I try to modify text and hit "Save" nothing happens... Version 4.1.1 of the module (last one). Anyone solved? Thank you in advance
  5. Hello to all. I've a problem with a PS shop that cannot be upgraded to newest versions. On the hosting is correctly installed an SSL certificate. We activated SSL in BO and also provided SSL domain, but the website is still redirecting on http urls. Only some urls are in https: cart, login page. I also tried to force https pages by modifying .htaccess file, but the result is: "too many redirects" error, it seems that the PS platform loops from http to https. Anyone can help me to solve? Thank you very much in advance.
  6. Prestashop ver: 1.5.5 When I send a message to a customer via BO, the message is correctly sent, but special characters like ' ò è etc etc are not correctly shown (at their place there are ' and other...) on order detail in FO and BO. Anyone with the same problem? How do you solved? Thank you in advance for your answer
  7. Hello Iryna and thank you for your message. I already seen this application, and I agree that is a very useful application. But our actual budget do not let us to buy it, because it is expensive. This is the reason why I'm trying to solve myself this problem. Thank you
  8. Yes, you're right. How to create a PHP script to connect with MySQL DB considering the Combination Reference as a unique key?
  9. Hi Maria, as you know, do Store Manager allow also automatic quantity synchronization by getting a CSV file from an URL every TOT time? In other words, I have a CRM software to manage the products inventory and want to connect its output (CSV or XML) directly (and automatically) to PS, so that when I update the quantities in the CRM... after a certain time the quantities are auomaticall updated also in PS.
  10. I'd like to import a CSV file to update actual quantities in product combinations. The problem is that in this case I've to provide also required fields that are not necessary (attibute, values). For quantity updates is only necessary Product ID, Reference and Quantity. Do you know a workaround or a solution for it?
  11. I'm searching for a script or module that can integrate prestashop with a generic CRM software. Infact this is the first problem that every customer ask to me: how is it possible to synchronize the quantity of the CRM Software with the ones on Prestashop platform. I think that, if CRM software can export the products and related quantities in a CSV (or XML) file automatically every T time, then if we have a script that every T+Xseconds get this file and update the quantities this can be really great! Do you know of a system like this one descripted by me? Thank you in advance for your answers.
  12. PS ver. 1.5.5 When you use a free shipping voucher with blank code, the free shipping is automatically applied and in the shopping cart it is shown "Shipping: free". This is good for me. Instead, when using a voucher with a code, the behaviuor is different because applying the voucher we have (considering for example 5€ shippings): Shipping: 5,00€ Voucher: -5,00€ This can lead to errors in calculating combined vouchers, because shipping is tax excluded while a discount is tax included. So, if I propose for example a voucher with 6€ of discount and free shipping, the scenario will be: Shipping: 5,00€ Voucher: 11,00€ ...and the taxes related to the product are not calculated correctly in tax tab!! How is it possible to solve this behaviour?
  13. Qualcuno ha esperienze concrete con l'utilizzo di Prestashop per ecommerce da 50.000 o più prodotti? Io ho realizzato con PS e seguo diversi ecommerce, ma non mi sono mai imbattuto nella realizzazione di un ecommerce con tutti questi prodotti. PS gestisce bene il tutto? E in tal caso che caratteristiche mi consigliate per l'hosting? E per il caricamento dei prodotti cosa utilizzate? Grazie anticipatamente
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