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    Prestashop development & support - https://webproggi.com/en/prestashop-development
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  1. For proper functioning, the controller must return the return values. Try this link: http://localhost:8081/admin985hli9ksojm6m5owdr/index.php?controller=AdminYourCustom&token=8c99384214334d3313e19be1bc689148 without vars and corrected link to controller.
  2. I don't use vendor folder. So, when you enter this link: http://localhost:8081/admin985hli9ksojm6m5owdr/index.php?controller=AdminYourCustomController&action=synchronizeToPrestaShop&token=8c99384214334d3313e19be1bc689148&ajax=true&id_lang=1 You can see the Return values from your controller, right?
  3. Check that your controller is in yourmodule\controllers\admin folder Name - AdminYourModule.php And have code like this: if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } class AdminYourModuleController extends ModuleAdminController { public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); .... } }
  4. As I understand, you have working link now. Use it for ajax method in javascript. Also create methods in your admin controller.
  5. Link in old form: $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminYourModuleName') . '&ajax=true&id_lang=' . $id_lang
  6. Yes, you need to add tab in installation function like this: // add admin cotroller support if (!$this->existsTab($this->tab_class)) { if (!$this->addTab($this->tab_class, -1)) { return false; } } // #add admin cotroller support public function existsTab($tab_class) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('SELECT id_tab AS id FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tab` t WHERE LOWER(t.`class_name`) = \'' . pSQL($tab_class) . '\''); if (count($result) == 0) { return false; } return true; } where $tab_class = 'AdminYourModuleName'; private function addTab($tab_class, $id_parent) { $tab = new Tab(); $tab->class_name = $tab_class; $tab->id_parent = $id_parent; $tab->module = $this->tab_module; $tab->name[(int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')] = $this->l('Any simple name for module'); $tab->add(); return true; }
  7. You can log in using different accounts. You can look and edit linked themes in ps_employee table.
  8. ok, open your backoffice, press ctrl+shift+i - browser developer mode. And you will see the path to your .css file.
  9. There is no custom.css in prestashop 8.2. Try theme.css in \admin\themes\default\public But, better to unminimized it for comfortable use.
  10. Hello, there is no field NOTE in table ORDERS in early prestashop 1.7 versions. The NOTE field have appeared in later prestashop 1.7 versions. Then, you can try this code: if (!empty($message) && Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) { // Retrieve the last created order for the current cart $order = Order::getByCartId((int)$id_cart); if ($order) { // Sanitize the message $cleanMessage = strip_tags($message, '<br>'); // Update the note field in the orders table Db::getInstance()->update( 'orders', ['note' => pSQL($cleanMessage)], 'id_order = ' . (int)$order->id ); } }
  11. In multishop - the default page - is dashboard with all this information. But, also, you can customize page which will be displayed just after login in account settings:
  12. According to reports, your module ps_accounts is outdated
  13. Module Gallery - Slider Anywhere for PrestaShop: Allows you to create, manage, and display sliders or galleries on any PrestaShop front office page. Main features of the module: 1. The convenient list of galleries or sliders for management of them: creation, editing, removal, movement, activation. 2. Supports of multishops. 3. Supports of multilanguages. 4. Individual settings for each gallery or slider. 5. Convenient placement of galleries or sliders in offered hooks. 6. Ajax - support in image loading, in the module settings. 7. Multiple placements. 8. Placement in descriptions of products, categories, manufacturers, CMS, suppliers thanks to the established variables. 9. Supports the placement in the template files (.tpl). Module presentation and description Module presentation and description in Addons Module DEMO page
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