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PrestaShark last won the day on August 10 2018

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About PrestaShark

  • Birthday 04/20/1983

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Community Answers

  1. https://www.sunnytoo.com/28109/show-product-attributes-product-listing-pages-homepage-free-prestashop-1-7-module
  2. Hi guys, Im not a SQL expert and i need Your help. Need query to update quantities of all combinations where ean13 = xxx. Any hints on that? Help much appreciated (i can donate solution via PayPal too)
  3. I have issue with Prestashop (latest) Products are in place in database but not visible in admin area. Also products dont want to index in search "Indeksowane produkty 971 / 23357." and dont want to index more that 971... Any ideas?
  4. Hi. Here is solution https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/11479
  5. Hi. Here is solution https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/11479
  6. Hi, Anybody hear something about specific price calculation based on Retail/Catalog/SRP/RRP price in Prestashop? So we have price from Mike or Jordam shoes like 200$ in SRP and the specific price/voucher should be calculated first from this price like 200$ - 40% instead from normal filed price like 160$...
  7. Komunikat błędu zaprosił mnie do tego wątku. Doświadczenie pozwoliło mi też dojść do wniosku że błąd występuje rónież w przypadku kiedy zmienimy adres SEO np z "szybkie-zakupy" na np. "zamowienie".
  8. Hi. Silly question but how many features can be added to product? I see max 15 because i cant add 16...
  9. Hi! Anybody hear something about block with list of all latest attachments? Im trying to duplicate manufacturers block with custom getAttachment function but without success. Any ideas it is possible? Something like here https://www.arrow.com/ Block Datasheets with built in site pdf viewer and list of compatbile products (based on check if this attachment is attached to product) This would be nice piece of module but for now i want just simple block with list of latest attachments.
  10. {if (!isset($product.quantity_all_versions) AND $product.quantity == 0) OR (isset($product.quantity_all_versions) AND $product.quantity_all_versions == 0)} Sold out! {/if} This should be added to official template very long time ago! Thanks!
  11. Hi @zenna! In /themes/YOUR_THEME/product-list.tpl add: {assign var='productImgs' value=Product::getProductImages($product.id_product)} <ul class="list-inline"> {foreach from=$productImgs item=productImg name=productImgs} {assign var=imageIds value="`$product.id_product`-`$productImg.id_image`"} <li><img class="width:76px;" src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $imageIds, 'small_default')}" /></li> {/foreach} </ul> In /classes/Product.php add just before close backet "}" public static function getProductImages($id_product){ $id_image = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT `id_image` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product)); return $id_image; } Then delete /cache/class_index.php file, and hit CTRL+F5 at the home or category page! Thats it! Tested If helped please spread the word or donate my charity for Autism at www.forrunner.pl or give me a like at www.fb.com/ForRunner Cheers! Konrad
  12. Problem exist also on all pages related with product-list.tpl file (front page, category, specials, new products etc.) http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-9018?filter=-2
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