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Nishith Nesdiya

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Nishith Nesdiya last won the day on November 26 2017

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About Nishith Nesdiya

  • Birthday 03/29/1989

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    Web Development Agency

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  1. than you the problem is cloudflare now all is fine thank you
  2. Hi.. Yes i have checked all php version like as 7.4,8.0 and 8.1 but all versions same problem come
  3. Hello, i already clear all cache but problem is same thank you
  4. Hi.. after upgrade prestashop to my admin dashboard is not display good please look this image. Thank you
  5. Look this file and compare with your theme file product-list.tpl
  6. Hello, check this file {include file='catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl' product=$product} thank you
  7. Hello, you need change div class your themes product listing file. If you use bootstrap. share your store url here Thank you
  8. Hi.. you not need create any custom module for new products, best selling product and discount products. prestashop already provide those page default. Please check demo here https://prestashoppe.in/prestashop/best-sales https://prestashoppe.in/prestashop/prices-drop https://prestashoppe.in/prestashop/new-products Here is list page in admin please look this image
  9. Hello, native prestashop already provide the new product page you need add those page in main menu. Thank you
  10. Hello, i have same problem come only specific customer not all customer after migrate data ps 1.6 to 1.7. i can not edit customer in admin and not view order in admin Thank you
  11. Hello, please change your php versions 7.3 and check the result i think that is the problem is but what if I upgrade prestashop to 1.7.8 is it ok? =>yes but takecare when you upgarde your ps thank you
  12. Hello, please change your php versions 7.3 and check the result thank you
  13. Hello, shopify is different and prestashop is different if you need use payment method then you need to develop in prestashop Thank you
  14. Hello, modify the payment module file with function public function hookPaymentOptions($params) { $cart = $params['cart']; if($cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH) < 9999) { return []; } //code here.... }
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