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Tung at RockPOS.com

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  1. Hello guys, Read more, for possible reasons: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/553308-order-split-herere-the-reasons/
  2. It seems this is out of date. For people who are still in trouble, read more at: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/553308-order-split-herere-the-reasons/ Hope that helps!
  3. Clear Prestashop cache (under Performance page). Then it should work for you!
  4. Did you delete /cache/class_index.php? Sorry, I don't have a cloud setup here, but it seems, you can't not remove that file. If that's a problem, open a new thread discussing about that.
  5. Go to /modules/bankwire/bankwire.php, edit this:
  6. Great to know, it's really good for the site managing different groups and different policies. Thanks!
  7. To avoid redirecting from domain.com to domain.com/xx, I have no idea. But to avoid redirecting from to , let's do this:
  8. What do you meany by "Display" anyway? You're looking for a way to not display these (sub) categories under the main categories? If so, just simply modify the template category.tpl to hide. Hope that helps! Tung
  9. As far as I understand,the method Tools::getShopProtocol() is only available on PS 1.5.x and above. In the other word, this version of module ultimategooglerichsnippets does not support PS 1.4.x.
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