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  1. Who's your host? I am hosted in Singapore as well, with Siteground. I am in Brunei, my customers are all in NZ and Australia...
  2. I am going to do a trial with a 7-day VPS and see if the problem is just shared hosting. I have installed it on my Mac OS webserver at home and it is pretty fast.
  3. 12 secs is (sometimes) TTFB - I can guarantee 9 secs TTFB, but my Wordpress site on the same hosting account - 200msec TTFB. If I remove all modules, I can get it to around .5-1.5 seconds. As I add modules, stays the same until I add something like 'new products', then it drops straight away to 4-5sec TTFB, add another couple of modules and it drops to 9.5-12 TTFB - complete page in something like 20-22 seconds.
  4. One thing you could do is to use http://www.webpagetest.org/ and see what a remote site sees your performance like. I use it to take my computer/internet connection out of the loop and see what it is like for a high-speed server in a data center.
  5. Well, it does and it doesn't After a lot of mucking around, I am confident the problem isn't in the loading of images - it's in the initial response to the request. In my case, sometimes up to 12 seconds before the web site delivers the first byte back to the browser. There's a lot of shit on the forums about slow web servers, so I set up a Wordpress e-commerce site using my same account, just in a subdirectory. The WP web returns its first byte in about 200msec. The Prestashop one, 9-12 SECONDS. There is something seriously wrong with this software and I am really, seriously regretting ever having adopted it, but now I am at a place where it would be extremely difficult to back out. I've spent tens and tens of hours of development and product loading, customizing, etc and to have to back that out to a different platform would be a real problem. I have had it so I got the entire web page loaded in 9 seconds, which at the time seemed really fast, but that was only because it was so slow before. I have stripped it all back - no CDN, no multiple-subdomain config, and am working on getting it as fast as possible under that, then I will performance test with various flavors of CDN. My advice to you is to do the same - look at the native performance and once you have that working acceptably, then look to external performance boosters. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  6. This may have been answered somewhere else, but I searched and could not find it: I have a product - marker pen - with 6 colour combinations I want to offer discounts to customers buying 3 or more, 6 or more pens, of any colour. I offer $1 on all products, to highlight that I am discounted from standard retail as well. I have created the six colour combinations, I have changed Preferences > Products > Quantity Discounts based on: Combination. I have added specific price rules in my product to say specific price based on combination - 1, 3, 6. I have checked with standard template, as well as my custom template - same result.
  7. Sorry - I was wrong - I can't get it to work properly. I have a product with 6 colour combinations I add a discount for buying 3 or 6 items I have Preferences > Products > Quantity Discounts based on: Combination. You add two of one colour and two of another colour - total 4 - should get discount - but don't. Only discount when total of one colour three or more. Doesn't make sense...
  8. I had the smae problem but resolved it: Preferences > Products > Quantity Discounts based on: Product / Combination. Change it from the default of product to combination.
  9. Love your work Thats exactly the kind of thing I was looking to do, thanks.
  10. Doh! My searching skillz are weeeeeeeeak! Thanks, both for your time and patience... I don't know what's happening today... One last question - I am trying to find the 'base' url for CMS categories - I could only find 'Home' - cat 1 - is there a page that will display that category in a list, along with any others?
  11. Hmmm.... I looked at cms.tpl - I don't think it's what I am looking for. Here is the page I want to modify: http://www.5lm.co.nz/content/category/1-home It is clunky I want to display the list of CMS categories more like a file folder, showing the categories. Such as, instead of " Home List of subcategories in Home: It just said: Contents: When in the individual CMS category, instead of it saying " List of pages in Baking: It would just read: Info Sheets. I have tried to find the location to change this, but am stumped...
  12. Bump - I am also trying to do this and while I am not terrified of the code, I can't for the life of me find where to change it... all the CMS tpl files I have found relate to the backend.
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