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  1. justincejustine, I did the following: Downloaded Prestashop and got the OrderHistory.php file from there. (classes/order/OrderHistory.php). Pasted it over the same file my installation and replaced line 350 with the followingif ($virtual_products && (!$last_order_state || !$last_order_state->logable || ($last_order_state->id == $new_order_state->id)) && $new_order_state && $new_order_state->logable) I tried all the forge bug fixed but nothing worked for me, until I stumbled upon this: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-9467 I hope it works for you as well.
  2. Working on a store with only virtual products. Prestahsop PayPal module 3.5.7 When I test a purchase via bank wire and set the status at Payment Accepted, I get all emails (order conf, payment accepted and Download link email) When purchase is made through PayPal I get only order confirmation and payment accepted emails, but no download link email. This also happens when I get a free product (no download link email is being sent to customer). Please help- I tried the bug fix on forge but it did not work for me. Thanks.
  3. kg4geq & vekia, Thank you so much for answering. I did check the email templates and get the error: English language files must exist in .../discoverywalks/modules/referralprogram/mails/EN/en folder Attaching a print screen as well. I am also wondering if I messed something up when I enabled the multistore option or it's the theme's problem I am using theme553-Travel, Prestashop 1.5.41 - just trying to provide as much info as possible. Thanks again guys.
  4. Vekia, No my site is: http://bennettandco.com/discoverywalks (still working on it) The link that opens from the confirmation emails has nothing to do with my site's url. Thanks.
  5. The My Account and Order history links in order confirmation email and payment accepted emails got to a strange site : http://www.mangacompass.altervista.org/libraries/pear/tard/www/all2.php with message :Access to page denied Is that a malicious redirect? and how can i solve? Thank you.
  6. I commented out the birth date and radio buttons for Title from the customer registration (authentication.tpl), however I get an error that the date is not valid when trying to register a test account. I guess the birth date is required and validated somewhere. Can anyone point me to the right file to be changed,s o I don;t get the error anymore. Thanks. Galia
  7. Thank you so much, guys, for responding. it turned out to be extremely easy, not sure why I was over thinking it so much. i just pointed the new domain to the install folder, then changed the Shop domain and SSL to the new domain and changed the base url to : /...Sorry if I have wasted your time. G
  8. Hello all! i just finished developing my store and it is ready to launch. I am using GoDaddy hosting, so I installed and worked in a subfolder of the main domain of my hosting. In other words my shop is located at: maindomain.com/shop How can I chanage this to newshop.com (completely different domain) and keep the install where it is? I tried re-directing the newdomain.com to the folder, but that only re-directs and after that still displays the old domain. (of course, but I tried). Now my question is can I change the Shop Domain and SSl to newdomain.com and keep the Base UTL: maindomain.com/shop? Any help is greatly appreciated. G
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