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About Anton_bcn

  • Birthday 01/01/1976

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    web development, shops, personal web's, blog's etc
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  1. After upgrade php to php70 i got error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_encrypt()... If some get same problem for centos 6 and php70 do the following as root on my vps server: service httpd stop yum install php70-php-mcrypt.x86_64 (use yum list php70-*cryp* to find exact name if this is not exist) service httpd start
  2. Cant belive it but the problem is steel here! Prestashop hosting install... same trouble with language define('APS', 'ON'); is disabled! Thank you!
  3. You need to ask your question by correct way, because if you ask, so provide more information about you system and screenshots. But the easiest way its change template and styles of you theme to achieve this. (This answer is the same like you answer, if you understand what i mean)
  4. Solution is to make DIFF it is mean discover the difference between original file and what you have. And change this. If you have custom and not default theme so you need to contact with developer to fix this. The easiest way its just change whole theme folder. Another theoretical problem its javascript errors what is block to execute code correctly. To discover press f12 in Chrome and look at console messages to see what is wrong if any. I hope its point all of you to right direction.
  5. SELECT p.id_product, p.active, pl.name, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(cl.name) SEPARATOR ",") as categories, p.price, p.id_tax_rules_group, p.wholesale_price, p.reference, p.supplier_reference, p.id_supplier, p.id_manufacturer, p.upc, p.ecotax, p.weight, p.quantity, pl.description_short, pl.description, pl.meta_title, pl.meta_keywords, pl.meta_description, pl.link_rewrite, pl.available_now, pl.available_later, p.available_for_order, p.date_add, p.show_price, p.online_only, p.condition FROM ps_product p LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON (p.id_product = pl.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_category_product cp ON (p.id_product = cp.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON (cp.id_category = cl.id_category) LEFT JOIN ps_category c ON (cp.id_category = c.id_category) LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (p.id_product = pt.id_product) WHERE pl.id_lang = 3 AND cl.id_lang = 3 GROUP BY p.id_product; You will need edit prefix (ps_) or id of language you use (id_lang)
  6. put here screenshot of error, no one will help you if you dont =)
  7. Clear cache and check if smarty have option to renew his cache when files was changed
  8. I dont think any have one who read this =) But you can enable profiling and see what sql query was used for this and build you own query. enable profiling is in config/defines.inc.php like this define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', false);
  9. Busca mismo fichero en directorio de tu plantilla por ejemplo themes/leo/modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl pero mejor q te aclares con traduciones desde backend creo que solamente no traduces bien
  10. Abre ficheros *.tpl y busca feraces alli y traduzca Ficheros podrán ser en tu carpeta de plantilla y en carpetas de los modules ejemplo de blockcart.tpl en modules/blockcart "View my shopping cart" traducir a "Ver mi carro de compra" <a href="{$link->getPageLink("$order_process", true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='View my shopping cart' mod='blockcart'}" rel="nofollow">{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}</a> Pero si vas a renovar el modulo posiblemente pierdes los cambios. Asi no es aconsejable usar esto pero si que se puede hacer.
  11. There is the same error or you dont make those changes i tell you. Give me an ftp and admin acces by pm, i will help it will be more faster then we continue writing like this.
  12. [Mon Oct 05 07:31:04 2015] [error] [client] - www.gustolandia.eu - AH01215: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "/web/htdocs/www.gustolandia.eu/home/shop/themes/default-bootstrap/product.tpl" on line 160 "{ls='Proposto da:' mod='agilemultipleseller'}" - Unexpected "=", expected one of: "}" <-- : /web/htdocs/www.gustolandia.eu/home/shop/index.php edit /web/htdocs/www.gustolandia.eu/home/shop/themes/default-bootstrap/product.tpl on line 160 try to change {ls='Proposto da:' mod='agilemultipleseller'} to {l s='Proposto da:' mod:'agilemultipleseller'} try to recover original product.tpl and see if it will works if same 2. disable mod agilemultipleseller and if it will works without the mod send another err log here Put here you product.tpl file and new log err Btw i got a go, so can answer to you before a few hours...
  13. If this is steel blank. Do the next step, its show us log of php from you hosting provider enter to you control panel if you have an access and look fro php log errors or ask the support of you hosting
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