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About Dolke

  • Birthday 11/19/1986

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    Novi Sad, Serbia
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  1. Pozdrav svima. U vreme kada sam krenuo sa prestashop-om a to je bilo jako jako davno, PS je još bio u 1.4 fazi nije bilo Srpskog foruma. Evo da se javim i da dodam i naš sajt www.dekom.co.rs na listu. Još uvek smo na verziji ali nadam se da ćemo uskoro uraditi migraciju. P.S. Hvala @katicziv na linku
  2. Thank you for the suggestion. I will check the software! Any other general suggestions for the upgrade?
  3. Hi guys, I still remember 2013 when we started to work on our Prestashop website... since then noting really changed except we gain reputation, customers and grown to over 15000 products! Back then we stopped at version and haven't updated. Since update from to any 1.7.x version is more migration rather then upgrade Im aware that it i will be painful process or does it have to be? Unfortunately we done a lot of core changes and modified a lot of core PS files which is never a good idea. Back then we thought it will be the easiest way to adapt Prestashop for using on our market and it was, but now problem is that we need to overwrite these changes with an update and implement them differently. My first question would be is there a way (except builtin prestashop feature which I find not thrustworthy) to list all core files that have been modified and maybe even list these modifications? Thank you in advance
  4. Hi guys, What is the best way to find out what products (their pages) are most viewed by visitors? Im not talking about most sold product, but statistic of product pages that has been visited most times. Also if I could view products on which visitors spent most time that would be great addon. Why I want this? I want to compare product visit number and time spent on the product page with sale. In that case I might be able to find out why some products that are visited and not bought for example. Maybe its the price, maybe becaouse its not available (out of stock or similara). Any thoughts on this are most welcome.
  5. Thank you I have totally missed this string and I was unable to see it in the code...
  6. Hi guys, I need help to determine whats the name of the theme that this website is using? https://www.spareparty.com/it/ No marketing is intended. Thank you in advance.
  7. Thank you. I will consider changing those settings but still I dont think its a solution to a problem... more like a workaround if it affects the search results at all. I guess I need to rebuild the index all over again once reference weights are changed?
  8. This is the current situation with ponder: http://prntscr.com/fk5q8g Sry its in Serbian but I guess you know what is what
  9. Invitation has been sent. I found one website that implements this "SEARCH LIKE" feature really good. Please check this out: So basically when you mistype keyword (and in our field of bussines this is very important) website would prompt the visitor that there is no search results based on his/hers query but there are results for some similar keyword or phrase. http://prntscr.com/fk3pp4 I hope printscreen is clear enough. If Prestashop wanted to do something similar that is great feature to have but its not working properly. Instead it confuses customers...
  10. Well its hard to tell since each website has different data set but eMagicOne team did reproduce the issue on all versions. based on our data set and they are more then trustworty company and Prestashop platinum partner. I think they have their accounts here on the PS forums so I will invite them to join discussion.
  11. Hi guys, Currently our website is running on PS but the following search issue was recreated on all other versions of the software including 1.6 and latest 1.7. Here are the details: Our website is located at www.dekom.co.rs (no marketing intended) If you search the website and use "310120" you will get 10 search results. 310120 is actually SKU of one of our products and you will noticed that product with SKU is listed as last product after search is performed. You will also notice that other 9 products doesnt include 310120 string anywhere in their fields so its a complete mistery why they are in the list. With the help of eMagicOne team I have been able to get to this point: Our techs have reproduced the issue with the search result on all PrestaShop versions starting from 1.6.0 and till the last ones 1.7.1.x. The search result for that certain case was the same - 10 products found, as PrestaShop reindex uses LIKE condition in the SQL request to the database: SELECT id_word, word FROM ps_search_word WHERE word LIKE '310120%' Here is the result: https://www.screencast.com/t/nWCwzSO2 So it seems that this issue is related to how reindex table was made in the Prestashop but I dont know the criteria For me these other 9 products are errors as they dont contain searched string so these products confuses our customers. I dont know by what criteria Prestashop make some products similar to others by using LIKE SQL statemant. I repeat that this issue is present in all Prestashop versions. Any thoughts?
  12. I know its old theme but as I need almost the same thing lets woke it up a bit What I need is basically the same but I need only date (not the time) to be displayed and {$product->date_upd} pulls up date + time info. Also, I would need some css styling in order to make it more stylish like this for example: http://prntscr.com/femhn9
  13. I have decided to update our EasyApache from version 3 to version 4. Version 4 has this feature called multiPHP manager that is used to switch between php versions with an ease and you can adjust php version for each script you are running on the server. I will let you know if after this my PS works properly on php 5.6.30
  14. I do use some non native modules on my website so thank you for the input.
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