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  1. Hi! I need to update 5000 products using a Csv import but as my references looks like this Or-baoba-123456DD etc the import doesn´t work. I can only have a reference without - and without numbers. But I need the reference to look the way it does. How can I update my prices? I use a EAN as ID so all the ID´s are unique , I want to be able to import only ID,quantity,price I also do not want to import the name of the products since I have changed them all and it took forever.
  2. I use Force all ID numbers YES And get this error: No Name (ID: 5900511146042) cannot be saved No Name (ID: 7340028715382) cannot be saved No Name (ID: 3275056935744) cannot be saved No Name (ID: 7330786041212) cannot be saved No Name (ID: 8058664008209) cannot be saved No Name (ID: 7332599007232) cannot be saved My product referens contains letters and numbers and - so I got errors when I tried "Use product reference as key"
  3. Thanks, but when I tried this I got a error saying that the name was missing and the product was not saved...?
  4. Hi! I have about 5000 products and have traslated the names of my products from on language to another. Now I need to update the price but as the name-field is required when importing the CVS-file all my translations will be lost. Is there a way in Prestashop to make the required name field not a required field? I saw a solution regarding a older version of Prestashop but this solution does not work with the I want to be able only to import the ID and price or the ID and quantity. Please help :-)
  5. I still can´t log in? There is 1 error 1.employee does not exist, or bad password Is there any other solution to this problem?
  6. Is my secret admin folder my renamed admin folder? When you say "remember long password" what do you mean? Do I select a new password when I try to log in or do I change my password somewhwere before I try to log in?
  7. Beginning to panic now. Have reset the password but still will not go into the back office. Any suggestions? Have one.com and tested prior to install Joomla but I never got into the back office at all. But I've been running with Prestashop for a month without any problems (until now). Someone who has experience in script "newadmin" available here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/32238/help_configuration___use/toolnew_admin_account_dot_ or search for "newadmin" in the forum. Where should this script be? Same as now renamed my admin folder? Should I change the script in any way? Or can I just add it to my ftp-folder
  8. Börjar få panik nu. Har återställt lösenordet men kommer fortfarande inte in på back office. Några förslag? Har one.com och prövade tidigare att installera Joomla men jag kom aldrig in på backoffice alls. Men jag har kört med prestashop i en månad utan problem (fram till nu). Någon som har erfarenhet av scriptet "newadmin" som finns här: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/32238/help_configuration___use/toolnew_admin_account_dot_ eller sök på "newadmin" i forumet. Vart ska detta script läggas? Samma som min nu omdöpta admin-fil? Ska jag ändra scriptet på något sätt eller är det bara att klistra in och vara glad. Jag provade detta men funkade inte.
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