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  1. That is pure genius! I can't even imagine why or how it works but this is BY FAR the easiest solution! Thanks!
  2. You are most welcome! I cannot believe how easy it was to over look such a simple solution! ~ T
  3. Hi, I've discovered a pretty simple way to disable the drop down menu in the horizontal top bar without touching any code. 1) Go into your module editor for the blocktopmenu 2) Remove the default "home" link by clicking on "home" in the right window under settings, then click on "remove". 3) Under the heading "Add Top Menu Link" type "Home" in the label field, enter your website URL in the link field and click "add". 4) Go back up to settings, scroll down in the left window and under the bold heading "Top Menu Links" you will see the new "home" link you just made. Click on that link click on "add" located under the window. DONE!! If you want the "Home" link to the the first on the menu bar then you will need to remove all existing links and add them back in the order you want them to appear. Easy!!!
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