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Andrej Stas

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Andrej Stas last won the day on August 15 2023

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About Andrej Stas

  • Birthday 01/07/1988

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    Seoul, South Korea
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    Project Owner

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Community Answers

  1. I would suggest opening PhpMyAdmin and then scan your database if it still contains any mentions of the old URL. Of so, rewrite those old URLs to the new ones.
  2. I think this could be useful for you to have a look at: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/282747-show-only-products-in-stock/ (at the very end) It seems there's no module for that yet, so you could edit Category controller. Not the best practice, but should work.
  3. We have made an Ajax Drop Down module that works great on Prestashop 1.7 and can also display a long list of products with the "Checkout" button always visible. You can have a look here: https://prestabuilder.com/ajax-drop-down-cart-module/ You can purchase the module for 19 EUR here: https://prestabuilder.com/prestashop-17-modules
  4. Hi, this is a problem with your theme. It is not possible to help you without seeing your website first. It sounds like you should contact your theme developer and ask for help.
  5. Oltre 6 anni online! Abbiamo iniziato con prestashop-theme-maker.com quindi spostato su presta-theme-maker.com a causa di problemi di copyright. Successivamente ci siamo trasferiti in prestathememaker.com e infine PrestaBuilder.com Che viaggio! Non era sicuramente una buona idea cambiare così tante volte i domini. Tuttavia, PrestaBuilder.com continua a crescere e ora offriamo non solo un editor per Prestashop ma anche 21 moduli che funzionano perfettamente con i nostri temi (e con la maggior parte dei temi di terze parti).
  6. I don't know the exact reason of the error, but it seems it is connected with the debug code that you have implemented and its handling of time. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13386082/filemtime-warning-stat-failed-for
  7. What if you inserted <a href="#" class="level-top">More</a> into a .tpl file (where you can translate it easily) and then only referenced it from the JS file?
  8. It seems that the account that you are using to connect to your FTP doesn't have sufficient rights to rename the folder. How about this? https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/renaming-copying-moving-objects I'm pretty sure this is not a problem of Prestashop.
  9. I was wondering (for a couple of years already) why this Prestashop Forum doesn't load in Asia. I'm not sure about all countries, but I cannot load this forum from Korea (the good one :)) or from Taiwan and I always get just a blank page. So I'm always relying on VPN. Any thoughts on this?
  10. This is just an idea, but I would test this: Copy classes/Search.php from your old Prestashop version to your current eshop and check if the results display just as before.
  11. Hi, it is impossible to give you a proper solution without actually seeing your website. Also, in this case, I would suggest contacting your theme developer because that is something they should fix for you.
  12. The topic has been already discussed here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/452773-how-to-automatically-make-the-customer-logout-after-certain-time-period/
  13. Hi, I don't think it is possible to write here a good advice, it would require looking at the actual code. However, this problem should be solved by your theme developer. I would suggest contacting them.
  14. Most probably you just need to clear the cache of your eshop. https://prestabuilder.com/clear-cache-prestashop-1-7/
  15. Un altro aggiornamento dopo 1,5 anni Ci siamo trasferiti in un nuovo dominio: https://www.prestabuilder.com E abbiamo appena aggiunto il supporto per il nuovo Prestashop Saluti, Andy
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