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About Seirios

  • Birthday 06/01/1976

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    Lamia Greece
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  1. Dear Krystian Thank you for your solution. I seems to be working on my test site but not on my normal site (COD keeps showing no matter what). Both sites are identical (P.S On my normal site i only have Greek language installed with language ID 2, English language ID 1 is deleted. On my test site i have both English ID 1 and Greek ID 2. Maybe the language ID is the problem?
  2. I would like to change the following code on cashondelivery.php so during checkout if a product has attribute id 1 and value id 2 (inside the attribute id 1) the Cash on delivery option is automatically disabled. As attribute id 1 i have created a group called "Warehouse" As value id 2 i have created a value called "China" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public function hookPayment($params) { if (!$this->active) return ; global $smarty; global $cart; // Check if cart has product download if ($this->hasProductDownload($params['cart'])) return false; $smarty->assign(array( 'this_path' => $this->_path, //keep for retro compat 'this_path_cod' => $this->_path, 'this_path_ssl' => Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true).__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/'.$this->name.'/' )); // list of all products, which can't be bought by cash on delivery method $disable_cod = array(7, 20, 22); // get all cart products $products = $cart->getProducts(); // default value - show module $show = true; // loop through all products and check if foreach ($products as $product) { if (in_array($product['id_product'], $disable_cod)) $show = false; // cash on delivery is not allowed, hide it } // hide module, if cart contains any product from $disable_cod array above if (!$show) return ; else return $this->display(__FILE__, 'payment.tpl'); } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks in advance
  3. Thank you for all the information. I will keep all the links as a manual just in case. Regards
  4. My friend Tanatus, I also have https on my back office but some modules don't work so well. Every time i want to change a setting in a problematic module i just copy paste the backoffice url in another browser window and i delete the 's' from https. So i enter my back office without security protocol and i make changes to those modules. Have you try this way ?
  5. Hello, I am just afew days before multistore. Did you find a solution ?
  6. Hello, I use Prestashop Every time i try to access back office ''Themes'' menu after 300 seconds i get an error 500. My server's error logs are showing the following : Error 500 12:30:03 pm GET /admin/index.php?controller=AdminThemes&token=0d9f9a011be5fab0348655311d1f9fce HTTP/1.1 Warning - 12:30:03 pm mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 300 seconds, referer: https://store.com/admin/ Error - 12:30:03 pm Premature end of script headers: index.php, referer: https://store.com/admin/ Thanks
  7. Thank you for your answer and congrats for your blog. I've been reading your content since forever. Also is it possible to show me an example of htaccess redirection?
  8. Hi, What is the SEO impact when i move a Product from Category A to Category B or When I Rename the Category name from Category A to Category B I mean when Google has already indexed this product i think the product url is no longer valid, is this correct ? What can i do about it ? Thanks
  9. I have 30000 products and about 1 million images with a shared hosting plan. The sitemap works for me. Do you know your settings given by your hosting provider? Also unceck the option for image presense on server, it will save you time and processes.
  10. Thanks for your fast reply. Yes i am talking about the same page in both cases. (with or without the tag)
  11. Dear Prestashopers, Quite recently i installed a free canonicalization module found on the forum. When i visit : mysite.com/product.html and i view the source code i do see <link rel="canonical" href="http://mysite.com/product.html" /> wich i think is normal and OK. When i visit the same product with a parameter like mysite.com/product.html?tag=1 and i view the source code i see : <link rel="canonical" href="http://mysite.com/product.html?tag=1" /> so the parameter is present inside the rel=canonical, is this normal ?
  12. But still, How often it is OK for Google to receive a sitemap? Is it OK to submit the sitemap every time i add new products (say in weekly basis) ? Will this affect my SEO ?
  13. I use Prestashop module 'Google Sitemap' version 2.3.5 and i submit it by pressing the button 'Submit Sitemap'. I guess this is the manual way as i have not set any cron job to do this.
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