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About Vorwaerts

  • Birthday 08/06/1974

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    Infrastructure Virtualization, Webshops, Football, Industrial & EBM music
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  1. 1-Click + Manuel opgradering af originale PS moduler skaber samme problemer over hele verdenen.
  2. From another source (hard code change): To remove social title, you need to edit \themes\yourtheme\templates\customer\_partials\customer-form.tpl, Find this line:{foreach from=$formFields item="field"}Add this code right below it.{if $field.name=='id_gender'}{continue}{/if} ---- Cannot tell if this is still working though - just an input guys
  3. Kjeld er du stærk i databaser/excel og hvis ja, kan du hyres til en kommende database opgave ift. dropshipping importering?
  4. Ja nu gør det godt nok, cool Kjeld og tak for hurtig respons! Ændrer du bare i databasen? Er bare altid nervøs ift. mit tema
  5. Hej Kjeld, Dit link til dit modul er dødt, betyder det at det er obsolete? eller blot at du ikke vil/kan "supportere" det? /Andreas
  6. Jo da, det er min server software Plesk der automatisk kører (komplet domin backup, altså filer, db og mail)
  7. Hej, Jeg benytter selv op til flere forskellige metoder men primært disse: Prestashop (til DB backup som jeg så overfører til NAS, disse reetablerer jeg fra administrationen, lidt langsomt ift. næste punkt). Navicat for MySQL (til DB backup som jeg så overfører til NAS, disse reetablerer jeg fra Navicat og bruger dem til hurtige ændringer/tests). Min egen host (Plesk) til komplet domain backup (som jeg og mine kunder automatisk (scheduled) kan gøre direkte til min NAS boks via FTP og med meget billigere storage end hvad jeg kan købe til min server). Derved føler jeg mig rimelig sikker på at kunne komme retur til noget der fungerer Mvh. Andreas
  8. Til oplysning og gavn for andre fandt jeg denne gratis løsning: http://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/european-union-cookie-law.html
  9. Hej, Er der nogen der har nogle gode erfaringer mht. en pæn minimalistisk implementering af en EU Cookie Law løsning i Prestashop, gerne et gratis produkt ? Jeg benytter PS med et tema.
  10. Hi, Well that sounds great and I will try that for sure but how exactly do I activate mysqli and mysql pdo extensions?
  11. Hi, Since I'm basically new to PS (but not other e-commerce solutions) I was looking for a general (official) upgrade description (DB & files) and got a little confused. My current PS version is The official manual for 1.5 HERE states that: The automatic update (version 1.0.26 and now also version 1.1) throws me this error in a popup box: I don't know what it means so that's kind of the end of that. And if the manual upgrade is depreciated then what should I do now? Regards
  12. ffs, as it turns out after setting the permissions to 777 manually on the config.xml file inside ALL installed modules the errors has gone away. Can this really be correct, that this file should have permission 777 and if yes shouldn't that be mentioned during the installation guide?
  13. Yes, I see that memory error in the bottom of the list. Since I use Plesk I can create a vhost.conf file for the specific domain with a specific amount of memory, but I'm unsure of the correct syntax as it seems to be different from a normal Apache when using Apache through Plesk: php_admin_value memory_limit 64M Would this be correct and is it enough memory for Prestashop?
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