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PascalVG last won the day on May 8

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About PascalVG

  • Birthday 10/29/1967

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    Chiang Mai, Thailand/ Sometimes Netherlands
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    van Geest
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  1. Helps to give us more info, like Prestashop version used, PHP version used on server etc. If you use a theme, please (temporarily) switch back to default theme and see if it also happens there. Also see if non core modules are interfering by temporarily turning them off.
  2. Hi MArtin, do you just want to change the text in the 5 steps checkout from "04. Shipping" to "04. Pick up", or something else? If just the text, go to Localization->translations in Back office. Select Front office Select your theme name Select your language (Choose 'English' if you want to just change the 'English wording') Then search for the "Order steps" Block, where you see all five tabs mentioned: Change Shipping into Pick up Save If this was not what you needed, please elaborate. pascal.
  3. Not sure if it works for you, as you seem to have a custom theme, but normally you can set the default sort order in Preferences->Products. There you can set the default sort order and Ascending/Descending option in the Pagination preferences block. My 2 cents, pascal
  4. Hi Kiran, Not fully sure if I understand your question well. Do you mean you just want some text on the front page where you mention the opening and closing time? Or do you really want to close your webshop during these times as well?) To really close the shop you can follow the steps outlined above. To just add some opening closing time text on our front page, you can for example add the 'Home text editor' (I believe sometimes called 'Home Editorial' or so). See the user guide on installing modules etc. Hope this helps, pascal.
  5. Hi Gil, Sorry for late reply. I'm on holiday and first day of opening the forum here (Still away a lot until end of the month...) Not sure you found the problem already but just in case, I'll give some hints: In the error you can read there is a {/if} missing (the 'unclosed {if}' they talk about) So check the /home/goodshopping/public_html/themes/theme576/mobile/category-tree-branch.tpl and see if all {if}'s have an accompanying {/if} closing tag around the correct block. I expect there to be some responsive themes available for 1.5.x versions, but don't know of any specific one. Search some template sites and look through the descriptions if you se one that you(r boss) like(s). Maybe try to find some that have some similarity to the current one and check yourself first. Then give a few choices to the boss. My 2 cents, Pascal.
  6. I see in post number 11 you tried, but you put the 'od' BEHIND the SET. Try putting it BEFORE.
  7. Hi PureD, unfortunately, the image is not visible. Please re-add... (click 'more reply options' button and add the image file here) pascal.
  8. In product.php, I see that they first fill the 'category' array as well, and add it to the getProductLink function: $row['category'] = Category::getLinkRewrite((int)$row['id_category_default'], (int)$id_lang); $row['link'] = $context->link->getProductLink((int)$row['id_product'], $row['link_rewrite'], $row['category'], $row['ean13']); Maybe this helps? pascal.
  9. To do the free shipping, use a 'cart rule' (back office, price rules->cart rules) instead. on informations-tab, add a descriptive name ("free shipping over 150" or so. Set a validity period for the voucher (set to distant future if always want to give) Don't add a code for the voucher, then it will be added automatically tot he cart. Add how many vouchers you want to give (set to 9999999 to give always), and how many per customer it can be used (set to 99999, if a customer can get the free shipping every time). on conditions-tab, Add minimum amount is 150, no need for additional restrictions (then all products, all delivery countries, carriers etc are valid to get the discount. Set free shipping as action on action-tab Hope this helps, pascal.
  10. Aren't the colours the 'variants' of the product?
  11. Assuming the product_quantity_collected is an already added column in the ps_product_detail field (it's not default available, assume added by the module): Try Bellini's query, only add the definition (alias) of 'od' table, as it is not known yet. if (Tools::getValue('product_quantity_collected')) { $quantity = (int)Tools::getValue('product_quantity_collected'); $query = "UPDATE `"._DB_PREFIX_."order_detail` od SET product_quantity_collected=". $quantity . " WHERE od.id_order=" . $id_ord . " AND od.product_id=" . $id_prod . " AND od.id_shop=" . $id_shop . ";"; Db::getInstance()->Execute($query); } My 2 cents, pascal.
  12. Hi lip, This can be done in back office. Go to Modules-> Positions. THen scroll down until you see a block with header DisplayFooter Here you see all modules that are 'hooked' into the footer You can change the position by clicking the up or down arrows next to the modules to bring them up/forward/left or down/backward/right respectively. (Or you can drag them to their new position) To see the effect of your changes, reload the shop front page and see if the order is what you like. May need a little playing to get it right (Look carefully at their name to see what block each line represents) pascal
  13. Probably some caching problem. Try to clear your browser cache If that doesn't help, - go to Back office, Adv. Parameters->Performance, and clear smarty cache (top right of screen, press clear cache button ) - then on same page TEMPORARILY set smarty cache to OFF, and force compilation to YES. - Then reload the page if it works, set settings of cache and force compilation back to original state. Hope this does the trick. pascal.
  14. Did you try to use geolocation already?
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