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Anat Kitithamrong

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  1. I'm also runing on my site (www.aommdesign.com), I can't garantee that it is bug free. But the site works in any function I want and already tested. Tested on : IE8, FireFox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and browse full site from Andrioid, Opera Mobile, Iphone But: Can not use with IE6. (only a few times someone access my site with this browser, I decided to skip IE6) IE 7 (I'll correct some layers alignment some day) Only 1 bug I found now is : the Invalid order status shown in BO after customer purchase item. (I'm using only Bankwire for now) But the order infact 100% complete and I can do the other order process. : )
  2. agree with Nemo1 I develop my theme for my site using 1.5.2 but there are so many bugs which I don't know how to solve. I later decided to try 1.5.3 -> upgrade to (and use my theme from 1.5.2) which seem to be much more performance than previous version. Only a few things need to adjust.
  3. I'm with nyfiken, the sync work but no message show up.
  4. IMO this should read IMAP message form our mail server and show up in BO, It's a very useful function I success the sync to IMAP but they not show the email message up in BO
  5. Yes, I already done this and got the same result. I'll check that bug report link thanks hsyong Hope to have a new bug fix soon.
  6. There is a comment in global.css about this problem below : /******* IMPORTANT - Internet Explorer can read 31 CSS files max. Some CSS have been put here and erased from their own module folder.************/ may be because this limitation a source of trouble?
  7. I use custom image type for biger product image in PS 1.5.2 with some overriding module. On IE8 (1) I have product image shown but the thumbnail of the other pictures missing when upgrade to 1.5.3 (2) There is CMS block appear above footer. first, I prefer to modify CSS or inline CSS The solution below can be use other way to add fixed size directly to the width="" height="" of <img> My solution added: Product thumbnails under product image in product detail page File: /themes/mytheme/css/product.css under this line: #thumbs_list li img add 2 lines below: width:58px; height:58px; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Categories pictures when File: /themes/mytheme/category.tpl find this line: {if $subcategory.id_image} add this code : style="width:58px; height:58px" to to the below line: <img src="{$link->getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image, 'medium_default')}" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" style="width:58px; height:58px" /> Tested on IE8 works for me
  8. Thanks intimi, dagnez your solution works great! In my case there is another field to add in ps_product , ps_product_shop id_product_redirected int 10 After added the above field including the fields suggest by dagnez some products locked solution found: After I manual edited the tables above.everything back to work again alter table ps_product add column redirect_type enum ('404','301','302') charset 'utf8' not null; alter table ps_product add column id_product_redirected int(10) unsigned not null default 0; alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type enum ('404','301','302') charset 'utf8' not null; alter table ps_product_shop add column id_product_redirected int(10) unsigned not null default 0;
  9. I've got this problem yesterday. In my website with 2 language translation. But in my case this error gone after I've change template to older one or default. (I'm trying to translate PDF invoice to my language) I'm very curious about this and start to compare the old template and my newer template until I found that the problem came from a folder "pdf" in my theme. then I delete these folder: /shop/themes/themename/pdf /shop/themes/themename/pdf/lang
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