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parsifal last won the day on February 2 2015

parsifal had the most liked content!


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Community Answers

  1. It would be best if you guys hired some IP.Board/Invision software consultants to iron out these kinds of kinks. When you're inventing or introducing problems that are long solved in other forums and online communities, it's clear that the current in-house personnel tasked with administering and maintaining the forum software are way over their heads...
  2. It seems like this has been fixed. For example, in this "Answered" topic: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/468451-vat-number-show-always-not-mandatory-version-16/ I can now see the DIV with the topic title, the Subscribe button etc. Thanks!
  3. I have tested PHP 5.5 with Opcache in production (VPS, Debian 7 x64, nginx 1.8.0, PHP5-FPM 5.5.28), with no apparent problems so I can second this opinion. Dh42, have you also tested PHP 5.6 with PrestaShop? If yes, what were your findings? Thanks!
  4. Judging by the browser's address bar in the screenshot (something.pswebstore.com), this is probably the case.
  5. Probably a misspell. I believe vekia means OVH and this package specifically: https://www.ovh.co.uk/solutions/prestashop/
  6. Another fellow member from the Greek subforum just confirmed that he also has this problem. So it's not only me/my account, it seems...
  7. Γεια σου TasosB. Το έχεις κι εσύ δηλαδή αυτό το πρόβλημα; Δεν είμαι ο μόνος; :-\
  8. Καλημέρα σε όλους! Όσοι έχετε πρόσβαση στο forum από Ελληνική διεύθυνση IP/έλληνα ISP, μπορείτε παρακαλώ να ρίξετε μια ματιά σε αυτό το θέμα που άνοιξα; https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/450129-missing-follow-functionality-after-topic-marked-as-answered Από όπου και να δοκίμασα να μπω στο forum (σε άλλο σπίτι, από Η/Υ που δεν έχω ξαναχρησιμοποιήσει ποτέ κλπ), μου εμφανίζεται αυτό το εκνευριστικό πρόβλημα που περιγράφω στο προαναφερθέν topic. Ο συμφορουμίτης που απάντησε στο topic, δε μπόρεσε να επιβεβαιώσει το πρόβλημα και έχω καταλήξει σε 2 ενδεχόμενα: πρόβλημα με ελληνικές IP ή πρόβλημα που έχει να κάνει με το forum account μου και μόνο. Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων!
  9. Hello again! Is there anyone else facing this problem? I still face it and I have tried many times under completely different combinations (multiple PCs/laptops, multiple ADSL lines, multiple browsers, as a guest/visitor of the forum, logged-in in the forum etc.). I'm starting to think that it could be either geolocation-related (I should try to ask some fellow Greek users about this, I guess) or it has to do with the fact that my account was mistakenly banned a couple of months ago and all my posts were soft-deleted (could the problem be a residual effect from this unfortunate incident?). It's a somewhat frustrating bug, plus it stops me from adding a subscription to some interesting topics where a post has been chosen as "Best Answer". Thanks in advance!
  10. Isn't it possible that your finding about the queries is something normal when using the default Performance Options (Filesystem-based cache, instead of MySQL-based)? Unless the queries are different when compared to those in a fresh/before-clearing-the-cache installation...
  11. Try this trick with "theme duplication": https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/419535-updated-to-16-bad-strange-looking-theme/?do=findComment&comment=2002800 Obviously, in your case you should duplicate the Leo theme, not the default-bootstrap theme...
  12. Γεια σου Στάθη. Είχα πετύχει στο αγγλικό forum μία σχετική απάντηση από τον moderator El Patron. Αν θυμάμαι καλά, πρότεινε σταδιακή αναβάθμιση: πρώτα σε μία από τις τελευταίες εκδόσεις της 1.4 (όχι την απολύτως τελευταία νομίζω), μετά σε και μετά σε 1.6.x Δε μπορώ να βρω το post... :-\
  13. Of course it is possible: /PRESTASHOP_DIR/ADMIN_DIR/themes/default/template/controllers/import/helpers/view/view.tpl Find the following line: <input class="fixed-width-sm" type="text" name="skip" id="skip" value="1" /> As expected, you simply change the value attribute to 0. And always, ALWAYS, make a backup of the file in question, before editing!
  14. You can do what you ask by editing this file: /PRESTASHOP_DIR/ADMIN_DIR/themes/default/template/controllers/import/helpers/form/form.tpl FIRST, MAKE A BACKUP OF THIS FILE! Then, you should change the "value" attribute of the HTML elements with the following IDs: <input id="separator" ... /> ... <input id="multiple_value_separator" ... /> Also, for the Force ID option, you can change the following line: <input id="forceIDs" name="forceIDs" type="checkbox" /> to: <input id="forceIDs" name="forceIDs" type="checkbox" checked/>
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