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  1. I had the same problem and this fixed the issue. Having a lot of orders in the DB, AdminStatsController::getBestCategory would run for a very long time.
  2. No, you should NEVER modify core files @Maneesh. Using ‘continue 2’ is very different than using ‘continue’. If it was coded using continue, it should be left as continue until the developer decides what it should actually be changed to – it could be ‘break’ or it could be ‘continue 2’. If you get the wrong one, the logic will change and the site could break in unexpected ways. See here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/14893 PrestaShop 1.7.0 to 1.7.3 is compatible with PHP 7.1 and PrestaShop 1.7.4 & 1.7.5 & 1.7.6 are compatible with PHP 7.2. Next Major release PS1.7.7 will be compatible with PHP7.3
  3. E nevoie de o modificare a functiei de import imagini, care sa ia in considerare faptul ca e un folder si nu un link catre o imagine. Nu e ceva complicat de facut, dar sunt cateva reguli de stabilit: - daca se iau toate imaginile gasite in folder, atunci fiecare articol importat trebuie sa aiba cate un folder; - care va fi imaginea principala a produsului? Prima gasita, sau o denumire anume (gen main.jpg)? Modificarea nu e posibila printr-un modul sau override, asa ca va trebui lucrat direct in core. Asta inseamna ca la un viitor upgrade al PS trebuie sa se tina cont si sa se copieze partea de cod modificat. Da-mi un PM pentru mai multe detalii.
  4. Hi Knowband, From what I understand - when buying this module the sources for the 2 applications (Android & Apple) are not delivered. I will have to provide some details, like website url, app name, .... and your team will build the 2 (APK/IPA). But what if I want to make some changes to the app? Like change some layouts, texts, colours, media, pages, etc...? Do you also provide the 2 source codes so I can make them myself or I will have to request them to your team so they will do it and then send back the new builds? If this is the case, is it included in the support plan? If not - what is included and what not? Thanks.
  5. Ai urmat toti pasii de instalare a temei? De obicei ar trebui sa zica pe unde vine fiecare modul (in ce hook), dimensiunile imaginilor, etc...
  6. The best and safest way for this is to use MySQL triggers: on insert/update/delete on ps_orders table - make modifications in the custom table too. This will ensure that in future updates you don't have to check for any other code changes (just table design changes will be of interest).
  7. You want to store the order only in the custom table or to store in in ps_orders AND in a custom table too?
  8. Pentru clientii care suna la telefon - definesti un client in BO generic si se pot introduce comenzi folosind acelasi client mereu. Pentru nume/telefon/adresa poti sa treci la observatiile comenzii. Ca sa elimini adresa de email la guest checkout trebuie modificat in cod (vezi de ex. o metoda aici).
  9. In AuthController.php file, where the login takes place, search for function processSubmitAccount(): Almost at the end, find these lines: // else : redirection to the account else { Tools::redirect('index.php?controller='.(($this->authRedirection !== false) ? urlencode($this->authRedirection) : 'my-account')); } So if something is defined as authRedirection - then it will redirect you to 'index.php?controller='.urlencode($this->authRedirection). For your case, add public $authRedirection = 'category&id_category=2'; to the beginning of the Auth controller and it should work.
  10. And you can try to clear all the cookies and check again.
  11. First check what value $cart has. Then, see if this return something: select * from attribute_cart_print where cat_id = 28 AND cart_id = $cart #replace $cart with the exact value If no rows are returned, then there is nothing to delete.
  12. The function responsible for enabling/disabling a model (in this case Customer class) is AdminController::processStatus().
  13. Thank you @joseantgv - I was looking to see if there is another possible solution. I will eventually use this one for now.
  14. I have a question a little bit advanced in regards to function override for a core class from a module. Standard way is to place the override in /modules/my_module/override/classes/XXX.php and PS install() function will handle all the rest. But what if the function that is being overridden has different parameters between PS versions? This will require different override files and a way to use the correct one upon install. But is there a way to accomplish this automatically? One way that I was thinking is to leave the folder /modules/my_module/override/classes/ empty and on install function, before calling parent::install() - first to copy the correct file based on the actual PS version, where the module is installed. Is there another way to do this?
  15. Try this way: {if $page_name == 'product' && isset($product)} <meta name="description" content="{$product->description_short|truncate:150:"...":true} - {$shop_name|strip_tags}" /> {elseif isset($meta_description) AND $meta_description} <meta name="description" content="{$meta_description|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> {/if}
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