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About YiannisK

  • Birthday 05/03/1978

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    Swimming, Cycling, The Web
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  1. I try to create a custom module for showing a column in the Orders list in the admin backend and I'm having the same issue. I'm using so the `actionOrderGridDefinitionModifier` hook should be working already. I tried to use some of your code @Matt75but I couldn't make it work. My module can be found at https://github.com/yiannis54/ps_order17vat Can someone help? Thanks in advance.
  2. I just realized this issue and unfortunately I understand this is the way it works
  3. Tried one more time with a fresh copy of facet module and it worked! Thanks @antoniocici! I really don't understand why the PrestaShop team does not include this to the core. This is a great solution..
  4. Έχεις βάλει να τρέχει το indexing cron? πήγαινε στο Shop Parameters -> Search και κάνε ένα re-build το index. Καλό είναι να το τρέχεις μετά από κάθε import
  5. Never-ending "filters" story. This is not solved since I can remember. I did solve it through some forum answers for 1.5 and 1.6 but I can't get it to work for 1.7 Most people ended up buying an expensive module. What was your solution?
  6. @markaussie can you tell which data you exported from Store Manager and the way you imported after upgrade? I'm currently trying to upgrade 1.6->1.7 and it's a chaos from the errors I'm getting. I also have the paid version of Store Manager
  7. @Billy I have the same issue since yesterday. From the few time I spent I saw that the attacker can go directly to the authentication page https://your.site/authentication?create_account=1 I also found these articles on how to integrate recaptcha but didn't have the time to work on the authentication instead of contact. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/609900-spammer-bypasses-contact-form-captcha-no-effect/?tab=comments#comment-2557188 http://kris.talkplus.org/2017/how-to-integrate-recaptcha-in-prestashop-in-3-step/ Will do that tomorrow, but if you succeed this today send a message to verify.
  8. Καλησπέρα, μέσα στα στατιστικά. Στα καλύτερα προϊόντα, δίνει 2 πληροφορίες. Τιμή που πουλήθηκε και συνολικός τζίρος ανά προϊόν. Αυτό παίρνει την αρχική τιμή ενώ κανονικά θα έπρεπε να παίρνει την τελική τιμή μετά την έκπτωση χωρίς μεταφορικά. Το ίδιο ισχύει και για το report καλύτεροι κατασκευαστές όπου και εκεί θα έπρεπε να παίρνει τις τελικές τιμές μετά την έκπτωση για τους κατασκευαστές. Μπορεί κάποιος να βοηθήσει ώστε να αλλάξω αυτές τις τιμές που παίρνει το module? Ευχαριστώ
  9. This is for PS 1.7 version? Maybe this is a theme's bug. Try to contact your theme's developer.
  10. Removing the above code deletes only the style="dislpay:none" option and not the product reference. This was originally not shown because of the !$product->reference option. Try to change the attribute references to something else just to make sure they're there.
  11. While I was searching for sth else I bumped on your post. Maybe it's a bit late, but for your vars problem I think the best way is to show them at your header.tpl file and not header.php. For that you should include them in your controller if you want them to be read at the confirmation page. A more analytical question was made a while ago for affiliate tracking code https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/250595-solved-affiliate-tracking-code/ I gave a solution for paypal module in page 7, where it get its variables from its own controller rather than OrderConfirmationController https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/250595-solved-affiliate-tracking-code/?p=2046732
  12. I just found out the solution with the help of TiaNex here We have to turn off "Show products from subcategories" in order for the positions to work. Then I assigned all subcategory products to their parent category and it worked...
  13. Yes TiaNex. is right! I turned off subcategory products and everything works great! The only issue is that we have to remember to assign all new products to both categories and subcategories.
  14. I've been looking for this a long time. Though this solution doesn't work for me.. They are shown as of their subcategories positions.
  15. Not sure how to do that, but I know for sure that bankwire payment sends it's own email to customer with the bank details. Just make sure that the order status has "Send email to customer" checked.
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