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About Supremacy2k

  • Birthday 11/05/1980

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  1. I'll been fighting with this my self. The reason why i chose to move the header content into the main document, was because the header.tpl don't have access to all variables used with this invoice template. The major factor was the order number. How to either remove the header.tpl from this template or reduces it's occupied space on the pdf, i don't know.
  2. Hi guys. Thanks for your patience. I would like you all to post a comment with your invoice files. and i will go over them in the weekend, and test them ofc. - Kris.
  3. are you both sure you actually have something written in either reference or ean13 for your products?
  4. hmm wierd... it should work. I got a lot of work the next week or so, but im not gonna forget your question, and i will get back to you.
  5. Hvis du trykker på Preferences og så CMS Pages i dit BackOffice, kan du oprette en "menu" under Home. Der kan du så tilføje cms sider. (Du kan desværre ikke lave undermenuer til undermenuer via cms siderne. Når du så skal have det sat op, trykker du på Modules og søger efter Top horisontal menu og trykker Konfigurer. Så kan du tilføje din nye cms menu (Den står listet under Home i venstre side) Håber det hjælper.
  6. Hi Tia. From what i can see at first glance, you have an error in your css. in global.css (its named global.css in version 1.5) your body tag looks like this: body { background: url("http://www.mumshearts.com/themes/theme182/css/http://www.mumshearts.com/themes/theme182/img/lightpaperfibers.png") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; color: #272727; font: 12px "Arial",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; } the URL tag is wrong, plus when you want it to fill the entire page, there is really no need to specifi repeat, scroll ect. and you have an error in your Font tag as well. so it should look like this: body { background: url("http://www.mumshearts.com/themes/theme182/img/lightpaperfibers.png"); color: #272727; font: 12px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; } I hope this helps.
  7. Hvis du har ftp adgang, eller en file manager, så hop ind i /Cache/Smarty/Compile og ryd ALLE filer, pånær index.php Bagefter så vælter du ind i /themes/DIT_THEME_NAVN/cache og ser om der lægger en masse filer der, hvis ja, ryd alt pånær index.php og så opdater forsiden.
  8. Under national tilpasning. (kan ikke huske hvad den hedder på engelsk, men der hvor du tilføjer sprog osv) i første menu punkt, hvor du kan importere sprog osv, står der lidt længere nede på siden "Default language" hvad står den til der?
  9. if you have the required languages installed when creating a product, it should be same for all languages. If you click the flag besides it, you have the CHOISE to translate to another language, but it is not required.
  10. Du skal huske at skifte standard sproget i shoppen. Ellers vil du kun kunne se det på dansk hvis du logger ind på shoppen med en bruger der er sat til dansk.
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