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  1. Please Please Please allow for combinations and attributes that can be linked to other products and other product stock. It drives me crazy that I sell buttons with a choice of microswitch and the microswitch separately, but I can not link the stock in the 30 different buttons I sell to the stock of the microswitch. You really need a good way of selling assemblies and subassemblies and reflecting this in the stock numbers. This would also allow for some really great combinations of products where you can change the groupings... Attributes are fine, but there should be a link to other stock.
  2. I can click add new page and it will bring up a blank document, but it will not save what I type in. It also will not allow me to edit old CMS files. HELP!
  3. Benjamin is correct, that was the solution that worked for me.
  4. I had this same problem (I believe) where I would change the number, save and stay, and then poof, it would revert back. I clicked on the " I want to specify available quantities manually" button, even though it was already highlighted and now it works.
  5. No real answers so I just made a category called "Products" and put all my other categories as a subcategory of that. By doing this, all the main categories became "subcategories" and the links work.
  6. It's the "responsive computer store" purchased from the prestshop website. I haven't seen it for free.
  7. Any other suggestions? Is there a full native module that I could install and see if that's the problem?
  8. Something odd is going on, I can not change from all stores to individual shops. I'll try loading the file again
  9. I thought I had the official. I did change the 300 to 500px, but that was it. Do I have to clear my cache again?
  10. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4rw-dZ67L4yUDdzRWQtemhkcU0/edit?usp=sharing
  11. Sorry I completely forgot to post that www.paradisearcadeshop.com
  12. For some reason the links for the main category links are not working in my horizontal menu. The drop down works great, but all the primary categories link back to the main page of the shop... I have cleared the cache, repeatedly and it is built with the incorrect links over and over.
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