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Ray UK

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About Ray UK

  • Birthday July 20

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  1. Im sure on the next update to HB they will compile the theme for everyone to try. The only thing is, it took a long time to update to 1.0.0 from 0.2.0, so we may get to try in 2032
  2. You can download the 0.2.0 version but not the 1.0.0 https://github.com/PrestaShop/hummingbird/releases/download/v0.2.0/hummingbird.zip I have this installed on my site, with a few modifications. So far it's been fine and not come into any problems. Ive changed the product list grid to a grid display instead of flex as I think its much easier. Just takes 1 line of css and no media queries needed You can see what its like at my site https://www.northwestecigs.uk/10-vape-kits
  3. I took it out of maintenance using Safari browser so my shop wasnt down. Then I tried private window FF, and it worked. Went back to normal window and its now working on there. (I had already tried clearing full broswer cache so wasnt that causing it)
  4. I have now tried the B.O using Safari and its working so it seems to be firefox.
  5. After updating 8.2.0 to 8.2.1 the B.O is now showing the following error: The page isn’t redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies. The F.O is showing the Maintenance page but no access to B.O at all. Any idea on how to get back into B.O I have deleted the VAR folder so that has been rebuilt
  6. No worries. I am my own theme developer. I based the theme on the hummingbird theme, which I believe is the PS developers
  7. Are they, since when. I cant see anywhere to provide unique short/long for variants. Only price difference, weight, stock etc. But thats not what is being duplicated. Its the data sheet. (See any of the products on my site and change variants a few times, then scroll down to the "Data sheet" section) The more times you change a variant, another "Data sheet" section is added (not changed)
  8. Hi, I have a strange bug and not sure when it started. Whenever any variant of a product is chosen, the "Data Sheet" tab and contents is duplicated. My theme is based on the Hummingbird theme. Any ideas whats causing this. Thanks in advance (its on the website in my sig) Prestashop 8.2.0
  9. what isnt working? im on 8.2.0 and its working fine on my install
  10. Yes I saw that in your notes. I know it doesnt need an override, but the override from the previous version of your module was still there. I opened it up and it mentioned ets in there so I deleted that override. Not sure if you can put something in your install file to remove that override for people who are less savvy
  11. Updated. After update, I noticed the override is still in the override folder. Ive deleted it manually, but will that cause issues. Many Thanks
  12. I just thought double protection may be good. I don't have a single registration or contact form submission since disabling the recaptcha module, so looks like just yours alone will do the trick. No need to go through the hassle of remaking it without the override. And since disabling the recaptcha yesterday, I now have 136 entries in the SS Action, which I never got before.
  13. Im not sure when this happened, but this module and the ReCaptch module are now conflicting. This is stopping anybody being able to log in as it throws an error like this {“error”: true, “message”: “404 not found!”}, Ive disabled the Recaptcha one for now and its working again.
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