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  1. Dezactiveaza CACHE, la Parametrii avansati - Performanta sau in cPanel incearca sa activezi extensia xcache daca ai optiunea asta.
  2. Acel modul foloseste niste campuri aditionale, deci trebuie sa modific modulul de exportSaga sa tina cont de acele campuri.
  3. I disabled main content, and initContent has decreased to 1700ms. Where is this time consumed ?
  4. Hello, I try to optimize my Prestashop and I used profiling debug to get some references for loading time. What I don't understand is why initContent show 2216ms but all hooks cumulated time is 597ms. I checked initContent load follows hooks displayHeader = 30ms displayTop = 9ms displayLeftColumn (if is defined in controller) = 0ms displayRightColumn (if is defined in controller) = 0ms What I missed here ? Thanks
  5. $this->fields_list['date_upd'] = array( 'title' => $this->l('Data actualizarii'), 'align' => 'right', 'class' => 'fixed-width-xs', 'filter_key' => 'a!date_upd' );
  6. Hello, My customer ask me to implement a new PayPal feature for checkout page integration: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/financing/docs/2nd-button Is there any module what can do this ?
  7. Iti dau factura si dupa confirmarea platii iti trimit modulul. Pentru alte lamuriri astept un telefon 0733343959
  8. Sunt exporatate toate datele cerute la de catre programul de facturare SAGA. Putem face un test
  9. theme archive must contains root folders: -themes -modules config.xml so you need to unzip and zip just these folders back.
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