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  1. The null is because it cant find the class selector ie your missing one or both of .product-title and .product_img_link, see attachment h2 is missing .product-title. Plus your on a custom theme so i cant really tell you what to edit, your theme doesnt appear to be using product-list.tpl or product.tpl either so editing those wont do a thing. Maybe if you could post the contents of your tpl files i could change it for you.
  2. Martin give this a try ... Edit /themes/yourtheme/product-list.tpl find a line that resembles something similar to: {$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} in your case i think its a h5 tag so you just look for : $product->name change your to: Save the changes and see if it works. It should look like this http://www.tronicextreme.co.uk/tronicextreme_redesign/25-blue
  3. they are working. but as there is no info in the ".product_desc a" Martin im not sure if the latest change will work for you since your using cufon's for your headings but give it a try and hope for the best :-).
  4. Okay heres the popup showing the item title rather than the description ... 5 files in the attached zip this time: blockcart.tpl and ajax-cart.js need to go in your /modules/blockcart/ header.php in your root as in / product.tpl and product-list.tpl go in /themes/yourtheme/ Please make sure to backup any files before making changes ! Note the above files are all for the default prestashop setup and theme. Again this should work on all pages providing you have the class .product-title for item title headings and .product_img_link for images. ie lets say you wanted this to work on homefeatured you'd need something like this: blockcart.zip
  5. Will do Martin i just want to make sure its all working first ;-). My findings are that it is working BUT for the description and image to show in the popup you need to have the description and image on the actual page, you see the ajax grabs the description and image from the page. So for this to work on category pages or homepage for example you need to have a description with the class of '.product_desc a' and an image with '.product_img_link', if your on the default prestashop theme this should be the case anyway so it should be working. if your not on the default theme make sure you have those classes active.
  6. Ahhh sorry i just noticed something still isnt working quite right, the popup appears on all pages now but im missing the product description on some pages ! My bad ill post another fix when i figure it out, 3rd times always the charm lol ;-).
  7. Okay looks like we needed the header.php changes after all, i was just missing two lines of code which call the thickbox js and css files. Its now working on all pages that i can see and works fine in firefox & ie7 +. Attached zip inlcudes 3 files: ajax-cart.js blockcart.tpl header.php The first two files (ajax-cart.js & blockcart.tpl) need to be uploaded to /modules/blockcart/ and header.php needs to be uploaded to your root as in / Again make sure to backup any files before making these changes. blockcart.zip
  8. Thanks jolvil i hadnt noticed that but your right, the popup is only appearing on product pages ... will have a look later and post back.
  9. Hi Martin, If your using the latest stable prestashop version you shouldnt need to copy header.php to root, at least i didnt need to. Basically if your using the latest version you can ignore the first zip posted since that was for an older version, download the second zip posted, unzip and copy the two files to your /blockcart/ folder. If you've already replaced your files id suggest starting over with a fresh set of blockcart modules or if you have a backup use that. Also, remember my blockcart.tpl is modified so you may be better of making the changes manually as posted above.
  10. Why couldnt you have attached the changes here ? Anyway, i've modified this for prestashop and the files are attached ! Note there are two files, ajax-cart.js and blockcart.tpl, you need to replace your current files with these but remember to make a backup first ! Also, note that my blockcart.tpl is slightly modified so it may produce varied results depending how your install is setup. If you want to avoid this just add the following after the final but before the <!-- /MODULE Block cart --> of your blockcart.tpl <!-- Modal Thickbox content --> [removed] // <![CDATA[ ThickboxI18nImage = '{l s='Image'}'; ThickboxI18nOf = '{l s='of'}'; ThickboxI18nClose = '{l s='Close'}'; ThickboxI18nOrEscKey = '{l s='or Esc key'}'; ThickboxI18nNext = '{l s='Next'} >'; ThickboxI18nPrev = '< {l s='Prev'}'; tb_pathToImage = '{$base_dir}img/loadingAnimation.gif'; //]]> [removed] {l s='Continue Shopping' mod='blockcart'} {l s='Check out' mod='blockcart'} <!-- /Modal Thickbox content --> blockcart.zip
  11. Any idea how i could do something similar to the new product block, only keeping the product titles and descriptions? Basically i want to add a product image to the left of the product description. Ive managed to add images to the left but the images come out the same, so i have 8 products with the same image !
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