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  1. Hi, This is a fresh installation of Prestashop 1.6? It's really strange. I've made dozens of installations with 1.6 so far but I never came with something like this.
  2. To do that, just go to this file: config/defines.inc.php and here make sure you add TRUE to PS_MODE_DEV as it can be seen below: /* Debug only */ define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); if (_PS_MODE_DEV_) {
  3. Regarding the features from back office, when PrestaShop 1.5 was released I said - Nice, when I've seen PrestaShop 1.6 i said - WOW! Upgrading from Prestashop 1.4 to 1.5 or 1.6 it does worth but it's a matter of preferences. Also, on 1.6 I the loading speed (for both front and back office) is faster.
  4. Benjamin, Yes, PrestaShop is really a secure script. Over the past years I don't remember having any problems with it, I'm just saying is a good practice to have an open source script update as much as closer to the latest version of it. I remember few time ago, I did had some clients that did not wanted to updated their websites (built on Joomla) for years. Unfortunately some of my clients websites did get hacked along with other few hundreds created on the same script.
  5. That's clearly from your browser / add-ons. It works for me on both ff and chrome (on win7, win8)
  6. You should know that PrestaShop versions that do not get updated, eventually they will be hacked. Is a good idea to keep any open source script updated to the latest version.
  7. How did you made the update, have you used 1 click install module provided by Prestashop? What was your old Prestashop version?
  8. You did get an answer, but on order to get proper help you need to provide all details (including a link) as vekia suggested you above. Prestashop 1.6 does work really smoothly.
  9. Hi, Are you using the default theme or a custom one? The default 1.6 theme does work with Chrome.
  10. Hi, After you have copied the files, you may need to reset the module and to build up again the layered navigation template. Also a good thing wold be to flush the cache of your shop as well.
  11. Have you installed Prestashop on your localhost server or on an online server?
  12. Prestashop Тема Генератор / Создатель является одним из более сложные темы, созданные для Prestashop, с большим количеством дополнительных функций, таких как возможность изменения макета непосредственно из панели управления темы ("Тема Seetings"). Тема очень легко настроить. На панели управления этой темы - вы можете выбрать различные предметы, которые могут быть изменены, например, цвета фона (который может быть в формате RGB, рисунок или изображение), меню цвета, шрифта, используемого во всем темы, цвета верхний и нижний колонтитулы . Колонка "боковая панель" может быть активирован в различных страниц (главная, категория, продуктов) и может быть изменен в соответствии с предпочтениями пользователя (слева - направо). Нажмите для более подробной информации о теме, изображений и демо.
  13. Prestashop Temi Creatore è uno degli argomenti più avanzati creati per Prestashop, con molte caratteristiche avanzate come la possibilità di cambiare il layout direttamente dal pannello di controllo del tema ("Theme seetings"). Il tema è molto facile da personalizzare. Dal pannello di controllo del tema - è possibile scegliere diversi elementi che possono essere modificate, come ad esempio il colore di sfondo (che può essere in formato RGB, modello o immagine), il menu del colore, il font utilizzato in tutto il tema, intestazione e piè di pagina a colori . Colonna "sidebar" può essere attivato in diverse pagine (home, categoria, prodotti) e può essere modificato in base alle preferenze dell'utente (sinistra - destra). Clicca qui per maggiori dettagli sul tema, immagini e demo.
  14. Prestashop Plantillas Generador es uno de los temas más avanzados creados para Prestashop, con muchas características avanzadas tales como la posibilidad de cambiar el diseño directamente desde el panel de control del tema ("Tema seetings"). El tema es muy fácil de personalizar. Desde el panel de control del tema - usted puede elegir diversos artículos que se pueden cambiar, como el color de fondo (que puede estar en formato RGB, el patrón o imagen), el menú de color, el tipo de letra utilizado en todo el tema, encabezado y pie de página en color . Columna "barra lateral" se puede activar en diferentes páginas (hogar, categoría, productos) y se puede cambiar de acuerdo a las preferencias del usuario (izquierda - derecha). Haga clic para más detalles sobre el tema, las imágenes y de demostración.
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