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  1. I found the solution here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/32986 Exactly this post: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/32986#issuecomment-1607898043
  2. Hi, I am setting up a multistore: main domain is .eu + some local domains (.sk, .cz, .de). I have a problem with order confirmation emails (+ bankwire). .sk works fine - sends email in SK language .cz sends email in EN language I do have all templates translated. I assume it has roots in this issue: I get an error 404 after placing an order (order-confirmation). I have friendly urls turned on an everything is translated, even though it is placing order confirmation url in English language (shop.cz/order-confirmation-xxxx instead of shop.cz/potvrzeni-objednavky-xxxx). That is probably the reason why it sends EN emails. But why it is placing an EN URL instead of CZ URL? shop.sk works fine.
  3. Hi, I am trying to setup a multistore. There are four domains: .EU - main, shipping to every country .DE - DE/AT .CZ - CZ (VAT 21%) .SK - SK (VAT 20%) I am trying to setup VAT for .CZ domain. There is only one country enabled (CZ) and one tax rule (where is only CZ with 21% VAT enabled). My problem: when I open the store, I see prices with 20% VAT until I choose country (Czech republic) in a cart. After that it changes value of the cart and also in catalog (after that I see all prices in the store with 21%). So when I enter the store, I see a product for 120€. Add it to cart, fill in name/address etc, then choose country and boom I now see 121€. Then I open the store again and I see 121€ (not 120€). I have two tax rules. 1. EU - every EU country with corresponding VAT rate (there is also Czech republic with 21%) 2. CZ - there is just Czech republic with 21% VAT rate As I am editing the product (chosen .CZ store from the multistore switch) - prices - tax rule, it is showing like this: Any idea?
  4. As I mentioned in my first post (after edit), I have PS 8.1.5 Theme - Bambinis (https://addons.prestashop.com/en/kids-toys-themes/27914-bambinis.html) But IMHO it has no connection with theme. Should it work by default as I wish? It is a fresh installation with some minor changes yet (e.g. theme, tax rules, languages, currencies…). No hardcode changes. But the very first installation was 8.1.3, then update to 8.1.4 and then to 8.1.5 (using 1-Click upgrade). //edit - I sorted it out through DB - deleted a few lines in ps_country_shop
  5. I am trying to setup a multistore with 4 domains: .EU / .DE / .CZ / .SK I would like to have active countries (for shipping) on each domain like this: .EU: all EU countries .DE: Germany + Austria .CZ: Czech republic .SK: Slovak republic I am trying to set it up here: International -> Locations -> Countries, but it does not work properly. For example: I choose settings for .SK domain and I leave just Slovakia enabled. After this I switch to settings for .DE domain and I enable Germany + Austria. I come back to settings for .SK domain and I have Slovakia + Austria enabled. When I enable every country under .EU settings, it enables all countries for all domains. Long story short: no matter which store I choose (or I select All stores), it uses current settings for all stores. Am I doing something wrong or am I facing some kind of bug? PS 8.1.5
  6. For me not, unfortunately. I tried to downloat the zip from github and provide a fresh install but I still get that error message when I try to log in to the BO. When I turn the debug mode on I am able to log in, but once I turn the debug mode off I keep receiving this error message... So for me, zip downloaded from the prestashop website and from github is doing the same error. // I have done it one more time and right now it is without the error message.
  7. I just realised that these are spam "customers". This us from the customers tab: // I do have it on one PS and another (different shops, different domains)
  8. Hi, past few weeks I have a plenty of carts made - picture attached. I do have it on at least two domains. What it is and is there any solution how to avoid it? Thank you.
  9. Hi, I want to disable the phrase "incl. tax / excl. tax" since I am not tax registered. I tried to turn it off in the BO: International - Locations - my countrie's preferences - Display excl. tax/incl. tax - NO, but it does not work, it is still everywhere. I tried it on the PS 1.7.2 I have made a fresh install (, with the default theme and it does not work even on the fresh installation. I have turned the tax off. Any idea?
  10. A few basics which might be your problem caused by: -don't you have "turn off" in the "out of range option"? (countries and costs tab in the carrier's settings) -do you have any active carrier for acountry selected during the checkout?
  11. This worked for me (PS https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/587538-select-multiple-values-for-one-feature/
  12. Hello everyone, does the PrestaShop have any native function how to add more values for one feature? I would like to have a filter in a category for colours. Lets say we have category "T-shirts" and every T-shirt has a few colours. (There is not any solid color T-shirt, all of them have at least 2 colors). How could I show just those T-shirts which contain selected colour/-s? Thank you.
  13. Thanks. I tried the same way via Windows search, but it didn't work. I will try Dreamweaver next time. Thank you again for the useful advice.
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