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Maria Kvasnytska

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About Maria Kvasnytska

  • Birthday 06/12/1988

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  1. Hello, There is a tool , that can help you out with that - Store Manager for PrestaShop. 1. It allows updating separate product data, in your case it will be the ID, qty and price in the import file. The built-in Automated Import Addon provides the possibility to do it on the daily basis. You can even specify the directory for the import file saved locally in case you receive the new files all the time (to avoid manual selection of new file). 2. There's a built-in Mass Product Changer tool, with it you can set zero qty to the catalog (or via import).
  2. Hello, There is a possibility to create products along with combinations using Store Manager, there is a trial version available for 14 days, if you would like to do it free. Here's also an article on how to perform this task.
  3. Hello, If you'd like to migrate products, orders, categories, customers (wih passwords), attributes, features etc. from one PrestaShop to another, you can use export/import functionality in Store Manager https://addons.prestashop.com/en/third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp/2937-store-manager-for-prestashop.html. Free trial is available for 14 days.
  4. Hello, Alex, sorry for the late reply. If you are working with the Bridge type of connection, it requires synchroniation to see the changes made (Get Data from Web and Post Changes to Web operations). It's an advantage, actually, as you can revert the unwanted changes before posting them live. Support of Store Manager is provided Monday through Friday, 11.00 to 19.00 (GMT +02.00). Have you already managed to import orders with the software?
  5. Hello, do you mind using third-party tools? When using Store Manager for PrestaShop, there's a possibility to use the expression to disable such products, or you can quickly filter them by price after they are imported and massively disable them. The software has trial version, so you can check how it works completely free.
  6. Hello, you can use Store Manager software for exporting and importing attribute combinations from.csv file https://addons.prestashop.com/en/third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp/2937-store-manager-for-prestashop.html, it has flexible Import/Export Wizard and Combinations Update Wizard for attributes separately. There is a free trial available for testing, so you can check how it works.
  7. If you mean you'd like to transfer files directly between databases - as for me, it's not quite a good idea, as there's always a risk of data mismatch during the process. So, I wouldn't recommend neither the direct transfer of files, nor via backup/restore. As for the Store Manager, there's a simple migration via csv file, correspondingly, the safest way among the mentioned ones.
  8. Hello, Alex! You can freely use Store Manager trial version, no payments for 14 days are needed. You can connect to both source and target stores, and migrate orders via export/import, here's the guide. If help with the task is needed - the support is at your disposal.
  9. If you do not want to do it programatically, you can use the free trial version of Store Manager for PrestaShop, there's a possibility to export product ID and short description tables only. Add descriptions to the file and import it back.
  10. Hi, you can try Store Manager software - https://addons.prestashop.com/en/third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp/2937-store-manager-for-prestashop.html, it has a Combinations Generator tool that allows quick creation of product variations, Mass Combination Changer and Update Wizard if you need to make changes to existing combinations. In addition, there is a possibility of export/import. There are different types of connection to a PrestaShop store, some of them will not overload the server (as there's a possibility working with local db) and the software can handle this amount of products.
  11. Hello, If you mean you'd like to import multi-lingual product details, you can use Store Manager for PrestaShop (there's a free trial you can try). At the step of import there's a mapping option, where you have to assign columns in default language to default database fields, and the fields where information in particular language listed, map to the database fields that correspond to the needed language. For example, column with product name in English should be assigned to database line Product Name and the column of your file with item’s name in German should be linked to the database field – Product Name (DE). The same concerns all the fields that you have in different languages in your file.
  12. Then you can take a look at PrestaShop Manager software - https://addons.prestashop.com/en/third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp/2937-store-manager-for-prestashop.html If you need to change products price by percentage, then you can use expression rule two ways: 1) via import (on the fly when you receive the file from supplier) 2) using Product Mass Changer tool (selecting products from the list to apply changes to) specifying the price field and the value you need the price to increase by. For example: [CSV_COL(INDEX)]Price Column*1.05 will add 5% mark-up.
  13. Hello, I'd recommend you using Store Manager for PrestaShop (there's a free trial version) for transferring your products from one store to another. And yes, you can export and import them along with categories and product-related data as images, features, etc. You can follow this guide to achieve the task - https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/how-to/how-to-transfer-prestashop-database-to-another-store/
  14. Bonjour, Gérald! Dans ce cas, je vous recommande de contacter le responsable de support client de Store Manager pour PrestaShop, afin que le technicien puisse vous donner la réponse concernant le catalogue CMS Prestashop.
  15. Hi, you can check this - https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/how-to/how-to-update-prestashop-stock-availability-text-for-products-in-bulk/
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