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monszaic concepts

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  1. Use css selectors. Target the container where "Inloggen and Contacteer ons" is present. Then target the 1st element. Ex: ul.header-my-account li { margin-top: 10px; padding-top: 0 }. You need to give me a link for the shop to inspect it with debugger to see how to fix this via css. It's either fixable by css or there is slightly a weird html code written in that section of the template that displays those 2 links.
  2. Hello guys. Back in the day when i had my own shop, i had a similar problem with the images. In my situation i wanted all the "green images" to show on the "green-attribute combination". So i developed ImageAssignator. https://bit.ly/2TsXyCx In your case, @Yves i believe this module could work too. The idea behind the Image Assignator is to assign with 2-3 clicks all the images to all the combinations that you want, or to assign specific images to specific combinations. You could assign "Cover" image to all existing combinations and then append the specific images to the specific combinations. Ex: Attributes: Red, Blue Images: Cover Image, Red Image, Blue Image Combinations: Red Combination, Blue Combination. Step 1: You assign Cover Image to Red Combination and Blue Combination. Step 2: You then assign Red Image to Red Combination. This combination will now have Cover Image and Red Combination Step 3: You do the same for Blue Image to Blue Combination. This is a simple solution and may fix your issue. The only downside to it is that you will have "Cover" image when you click the green attribute in the select box. It can be made to hide the cover image once an attribute is selected from the dropdown but you have to edit the front-end functionality and somehow go around the fact that Prestashop uses default combinations at the CORE of a product page. This can complicate things a bit. @ritopina does this solution help you too ? To all guys who may be interested in seeing the live-demo, this is the link towards it: https://bit.ly/2UJXtLh User: [email protected] Pass: demodemo Respectfully, Bogdan Monszaic Concepts
  3. Hello, I saw in analitycs that from this page came a few visits. Thank you Curious for talking about my modules, I am really glad that they help you in your tasks. @loetje88, @bramgrafiekas, I can help you with answering any questions you have regarding my modules. Hallo, Ik zag in analitycs dat vanaf deze pagina kwam een paar bezoeken. Dank u Benieuwd om te praten over mijn modules, ik ben echt blij dat ze u helpen bij uw taken. @ Loetje88, @bramgrafiekas, ik kan u helpen met het beantwoorden van alle vragen die je hebt over mijn modules.
  4. Hello jimmyc, I m working on a bug that is related to Prestashop html entities, for an unknown reason something's wrong when trying to decode from the database, greek characters. Presashop has this issue on their Threads section also, but not in all the Thread Section. Are u interested in the fix ?
  5. Hello guys, I've told you that i'm developing a module for this bug. After working whole day now and almost finshing to make it a "module" it turned out some variables don't get passed in an overwritten class and i get erronous results. So the solution instead of module fix is overwrite 4 files in 3 locations in Prestashop. With these changes you will be able to: - see the comments of the customer in his order - mark his comments as read ( previous fix didn't solved this issue) - see employer comments added, those that are hidden from the customer are marked with red text "Private" Most of these options were available but limited due to unknown prestashop-related reason. The price for these changes is $15. You just have to send a PM and i'll send you my paypal address. Once the payment is done i will give you the files and instructions where to upload them. It will be a 1-2 minute task for you.The changed files are safe and won't interfere with any existing code inside Prestashop. Please specify your Prestashop version so i will give you the correct files. Respectfully, Bogdan Kapsis Webdesign
  6. We agreed to charge the module at $10, however i don't know if we can set this price amount on Prestashop Addons, as the lowest possible is $29 for a module on Addons. So if that would be the case, then it will have to be $29... i will try to contact Prestashop team maybe they can allow the module to be sold for $10.
  7. Hello siomsop, Tonight i'm uploading the module to Prestashop Addons, but it will be 7 days until they approve it. I can implement the changes directly in your files if you want it within the next tens of minutes.
  8. Hello qicpf, I've removed the code i posted because i am working in transforming it into a module. I have another module on Addons and i know the steps and what it requires to make it available on Addons. Thanks for helping with the messages addition If you want you can team up with me and we ll make the module within a few days.
  9. It reads from the table where all the Order messages are stored. From what i've noticed it's grouped in Threads and each thread has assigned an order and customer so i guess it displays just the comments either the client or the administrator of the shop comments on that order. Btw i'm trying to fix now the issue when the default combination of a produc runs out of stock and it doesn't shift to the next available combination. Do you have that issue/error ? Do you know any leads on that ? I'm glad i could help
  10. You can't see in Back Office, even if you have display_errors "on" on config.php. Take it easy, step by step, as i did when i implemented the fix. Revert back to the files before you applied these fixes and do the following steps. Step 1. Add method in CustomerThread class, add it after the method "getCustomerMessages" at the line 75. Upload the file then see if Back Office is ok. Step 2. If all is ok, then add the change in AdminOrdersControllers. Check if Back Office is being displayed. Then finally Step 3. Add the code in the view.tpl in the back office theme, in orders folder.
  11. Did it worked ? If you want you can give me your teamviewer and take a look, this way i will see where the code i pasted was wrong.
  12. Check the method you wrote in the CustomerThread, usually the blank page in Back Office is related to php error code and i got that when testing the sql command to the database. I ll be around for a few more minutes if you need any help.
  13. You only have to replace in 2 files and add the method "getCustomerMessagesUnread". I didn't bothered with a proper name of the method because i was more focused on making it work. Please let me know if it works, i'm excited in finding this fix and i wanna help coz i know how frutration the Prestashop team can be with lack of support in such issues.
  14. Hello guys, I've had the same problem a few days ago and i read this topic but didn't found any usefull information apart from what henribaeyens wrote "It involves overriding the adminorders controller, the customerthread class (just to add one method), the orders view template an copy the message template in the override orders template." so i found a way to display the messages in the Order Detail page in Back Office. I implemented this change for Prestashop It should work for the other versions. I will be releasing a module the following days with override that will make it much easier to apply these changes.
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