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  1. Thank you for the reply bellini13. I know that both my PS and PP versions are old.. but I am also a firm believer in the dont fix it if it aint broke principle..as I have broken many things with simple updates for things that were working in the first place... it is good info on the CURL deal..and I am certain my server does support CURL.. so hopefully the boat will keep floating and the money will keep flowing. Sooner or later I know I will need to jump to 1.5.x and I am not looking forward to moving my jillion products.. but thats a headache for another day..
  2. Thank you for the breadcrumb TWDesign.. Yes, it appears my connection file is http 1.0. This is gonna cause a lot of pain and sorrow out there when this update hits. It does appear that maybe your fix would work, and I will keep that in my back pocket.. but someone at PS really needs to ring in on this with a definite answer and update.
  3. I just received the email below. I am using PS with PayPal v2.8.7 by PrestaShop. My question is.. are the coding requirements in my PayPal module or will I need to update the module. Notification as follows.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION REQUIRED Dear *************, In a bulletin dated October 18, 2011, we announced that we were going to expand the number of IP addresses for www.paypal.com to improve our site’s performance, scalability and availability. As part of this transition, we planned to discontinue support for HTTP 1.0 protocol starting October 7, 2013. We have recently identified that this change may impact the ability of some of our merchants to perform IPN (Instant Payment Notification) post-back validation or PDT (Payment Data Transfer) posts to www.paypal.com and ipnpb.paypal.com. This happens when the IPN or PDT scripts use HTTP 1.0 protocol and do not include the “Host: www.paypal.com” or “Host: ipnpb.paypal.com” header in the HTTP request. Additional Details Starting October 7, 2013, we will require all incoming requests to have a “Host” header which complies with HTTP 1.1 Specifications. This header was not required under HTTP 1.0. IPN and PDT scripts using HTTP 1.0 may start failing with “HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request” errors after October 7, 2013, which will result in IPN messages not being validated successfully, or PDT scripts not being able to retrieve transaction information. Action Required before October 7, 2013 Merchants need to update their IPN and/or PDT scripts to use HTTP 1.1, and include the “Host” and “Connection: close” HTTP header in the IPN postback script. Example with Host as www.paypal.com (please make necessary changes if you are using ipnpb.paypal.com): ASP //Set values for the request back req.Method="POST"; req.Host="'www.paypal.com'"; req.ContentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; Perl $req=HTTP::Request->new('POST', 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr'); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->header(Host=> 'www.paypal.com'); $req->header(Connection=> 'close'); PHP // post back to PayPal system to validate $header="POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $header .="Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .="Host: www.paypal.com\r\n"; $header .="Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; Java HttpsURLConnection uc=(HttpsURLConnection) u.openConnection(); uc.setDoOutput(true); uc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); uc.setRequestProperty("Host", "www.paypal.com"); uc.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Close"); The PayPal Sandbox has been configured to reject any HTTP requests without the “Host” header with HTTP 400 error. Merchants can use the Sandbox environment to certify the changes to their IPN and PDT scripts. For more information on PDT and IPN, please refer to http://www.paypal.com/pdt and http://www.paypal.com/ipn. For additional information or questions about this change, please contact PayPal's Merchant Technical Support team via https://www.paypal.com/mts. Sincerely, PayPal
  4. It seems the problem was probably some spacing in the folder name.. when I changed the foldername to a plain 8 text and then updated the "config/settings.inc.php define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/folder_name/');" as above.. it flew. Lesson.. keep the foldernames simple and flat.
  5. Just to add some more info to this issue.. the version I installed is here.. http://www.prestashop.com/download/old/prestashop_1.4.9.0.zip off the download page here.. http://www.prestashop.com/en/download I created a database, unzipped the files in a subfolder ,ran the install successfully, removed the install folder and renamed my admin folder. Yay. My WAMP stuff.. Apache Version : 2.2.17 PHP Version : 5.3.4 Loaded Extensions : Core bcmath calendar com_dotnet ctype date ereg filter ftp hash iconv json SPL odbc pcre Reflection session standard mysqlnd tokenizer zip zlib libxml dom PDO openssl SimpleXML wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter apache2handler curl gd mbstring mysql mysqli Phar pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite mcrypt mhash xdebug http://localhost/website/store/ redirects to https://localhost/website/store/ then isnt found and google searches for it in firefox.exiting the website. Attempts to log in to administrator result in a redirect to an invalid folder.. This is the login page even when I type it in without the redirect.. http://localhost/clients/nana%20janet/website/store/admin-nanna/login.php?redirect=a/ This page shows the login form.. when I successfully log in I am redirected here.. http://localhost/clients/nana%20janet/website/store/admin-nanna/a/ Which is a 404 Ive opened up all the files in the config folder and dont see a place for root website path but surely I am missing it somewhere or there is some way to set the root website path and to disable the ssl redirects on the front end.
  6. I just installed 1.4.9 from a fresh download, set it up locally with WAMP and a couple wierd things happen.. first, if I dont type http:// in front of every url, it fails and goes to google trying to use https:// but even more frustrating is when I try to login to the admin panel, it redirects my successful login to a /a/ folder that does not exist. This is after a successful install from scratch, locally. So in summary.. how to stop https forcing and how to stop admin login redirect. Thanks in advance...
  7. I think I will mark this as solved between the ftp incrementals and the image generation options.. people out there with monster backups.. check your image generation setups and/or find an ftp program that will download only newer files.
  8. @DH I think that is the key.. to only have and use the images you need and to make sure to only have images the template needs. Its just kinda surprising to see the site get so big..but I guess when ya make multiple images per upload it gets that way quick if youre not careful.
  9. Kewl deal.. I will also see if my filezilla will do this as well.. I know it will skip files bt not sure if it will exclude on older deal..
  10. Ya I thought of that..I had a runaway loop one time that consumed the universe in error log..lol.. It appears to be the pics I think.. I saw a lot of large originals..in the 64M range which should have been compressed.. and it appears PS just really likes to make a jillion pictures.. and I am too scared of breaking the site to go in and try to remove some of them or re-do the pics in the backend.. I think some kind of incremental backup is what I will try next..
  11. Hay.. ya got any recommendations on good sync programs? I had thought of the incremental thing but I would have to start off with a clean copy anyways..
  12. Ok.. so I have a site that has been going for a while..around..oh.. 6-8 months or so.. I like to get a full backup every couple weeks..sometimes I let it go for around a month or when I want to make some code updates yada I usually want a complete backup. At first I went to my hosting cpanel and just zipped up the files, downloaded that and an sql dump.. tada backup. After a few months the cpanel zip process got so long I got scared it would freak out my host on processor usage and flag my account.. so.. I started making multi-zips.. Today I went to multi zip and just the img folder zip took forever.. so now I am downloading the whole site via ftp and it appears to be in the 1.5G range with somewhere around 20,000+ files. Just..wow. FWIW... the site sells a lot of multi-option knick-knacks and clothing with multiple sizes, options, and colors..so yes.. there are a lot of images.. probably only on the order of 500 or less products tho.. Anyone else find their backups are crushing through the crust of the earth with their sheer weight in bytes?
  13. Maaaaaann... save yourself the headache and install WAMP and when you go live get a most often cheaper Linux hosting account.. Here.. http://www.wampserver.com/en/
  14. Get firefox and firebug. You can test out css changes inline and then make the appropriate changes in the css files once you make it look right.
  15. Couple things.. first.. most webhosts have a shared SSL you can use for https callbacks.. it will be an ugly ip most likely..but most hosts do have one.. second.. yes if you use another business paypal that will show up on the paypal side of things. I have 2 biz's running through mine right now. The first is my web biz which was set up before anything else. The second is a ps gift shop my [spam-filter] takes care of.. the only solution I found was in the checkout process make it clear that XYZ(your other company) is your payment affiliate or some other verbiage letting the client know when they see that on Paypal not to freak out. My [spam-filter]'s store has had no one balk at it..but my other biz does sound like it would be a payment assoc kinda deal.. if your original biz was like.. joybot fembot models and you were selling soup or something on store 2 it might be more difficult.
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