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benjamin utterback

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benjamin utterback last won the day on August 26 2014

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    Miami, FL
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  1. I would contact your hosting company for any details about this error because I've never never seen this error when installing PrestaShop. PM me tomorrow and we'll look into it. Thanks!
  2. Clear cache manually Using FTP or your hosting file manager, browse the folder on your server where you have installed Prestashop: \cache\smarty\cache\ You can delete all the files in this folder... Just leave the index.php. Do not delete the index.php.
  3. Thanks... Well, if you have access to FTP, confirm a complete backup and follow the steps listed in this thread. That should do the trick,thanks! http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/233195-new-better-way-to-reset-admin-password-prestashop-15-too/
  4. What PrestaShop version are you using? Have you checked the Spam folder?
  5. Interesting, do you know what your memory limit is on this server? It's dedicated so that shouldn't be a problem. Are there any other Apache or PHP Error Logs? I would also try to force the installation with 777 permissions just to see if it works, then change it back immediately. I have never seen that error in regards to a PrestaShop installation, let's keep digging.
  6. What version are you using? I'm not able to see that issue on my install.
  7. Thanks. Does your hosting provider have an auto installer for your dedicated server? Have you downloaded the package again and tried to install it from the new package? It's still 12%
  8. Hi! Can you check the file paypal/js/paypal.js around line 70 for these lines of code highlighted in Green, https://github.com/thoma202/PrestaShop-modules/commit/e6716d120356b0ad5062bec11aa135a655662e0c This was a bug reported here, http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PNM-2503
  9. I know that you have stock for it. I'm just wondering if you add additional stock to ALL of those combinations in the one product, and then try, does it work?
  10. Hi! Make sure to backup first, I would then delete your htaccess and reload your website on a cleared cache browser. If that works then we know the problem was in your edits of the htaccess.
  11. Try this too, Add stock to all of the combinations to one product and see if the button comes back. So for each combination you have of one product, add stock to it via the Back Office. Save it. Clear cache and cookies and reload from various browsers.
  12. Hi! Thanks for the message. Turn off Advance Stock Management if you don't need it. In Preferences>Product>Product Page turn On "Display Add to Cart when a product has attributes"
  13. Hi, thanks for the message. First thing I would do is check the permissions generally speaking the standard permissions is 755 for folders, 644 for files, .htaccess should be 666 ... Can you check on that? Of course, various hosting providers have different settings. You are installing via FTP?
  14. We are talking about SSL because your error message states that it is an SSL issue. Do you get the same error in the console when you turn off SSL? This error below
  15. Yeah, that was a release with a variety of SSL bugs.. I would suggest that you duplicate your store and test the upgrade to
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