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    Sofia, Bulgaria
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  1. Hi again, Little bit of inconvenience, not so much a bug: each save button only saves the section it's attached to. It is more instinctive to have those save everything on the page so not to loose customizations and time. And a warning on php8: Message: Constant TC_GTMCMB_VERSION already defined Location: modules/gtmconsentmodebannerfree/src/Install/ModuleTrait.php line 49
  2. I'm using PS 1.6 and Warehouse theme. When I click on Customize the checkboxes are not displayed as in your demo but are up/down arrows. I'm using the latest version from github.
  3. Any information about 1.6 compatibility already or this idea is dropped? Best regards!
  4. Hello @Yelish, I have couple of questions for this module. 1. Could we change the buttons to appear as the theme ones not like amazon's? 2. Could we show per category/product FAQs? In product page - in tab, in categories pages - under all products? Best regards!
  5. What is the difference between this module and the pro version?
  6. @Daresh, when using the last .tpl file I receive the following warning: The line in question is: if (!empty($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['path']->value)) { $_smarty_tpl->_assignInScope('matchCount', preg_match_all('/<a.+?href="(.+?)"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>/',$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['path']->value,$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['matches']->value)); $_smarty_tpl->_assignInScope('breadcrumbs', array()); $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['i'] = new Smarty_Variable(null, $_smarty_tpl->isRenderingCache); $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['i']->value = 0; (second one) What should I change? Otherwise the file is workign excelent!
  7. That's strange. Did you follow post update instructions correctly (clear cashe, regenerate cookies, etc.)? If so do you use some modules that may get in the way of URL rewriting? Do you experience any other issues? Try renaming .htaccess file and check if you have such issues.
  8. Everything is OK for me there also. The customer can create new address, changes city, post code, country. Everything is displayed right away when the customer gets to /addresses or in the address itself (when editing). Is your browser cache enabled and configured properly?
  9. I'm currently on php7 with latest apcu and I fail to see similar issues. As soon as we receive an order everything is shown in BO, all emails are sent. The notification on top takes a while to show if we don't refresh the current BO page but this is normal I think. I had the same behavior with PHP 5.6 and APC... Haven't tested much with memcache
  10. Very strange issue. What version of APC or apcu are you both using? Also which PS version?
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