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Bill Dalton

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  1. After upgrading to PS 8.1.7, the new product page doesn't show the available images. How do I edit product images? Currently, I must turn off the new product page to edit images.
  2. @QuickUpdate.net, what you just described is what we have now. I'm glad you are happy with the status quo. This thread is about me, wanting more power.
  3. @ZHSoft thank you for your post. It is good advice for how to use the native PS image generator. The problem in this thread isn't server performance is average. The problem is generating 1 million images on a dedicated server in a reasonable time. If you have a lot of images and you have dedicated server resources, there isn't a power user method to generate images. I see that PS 8.1.2 is using Node.js sharp to generate images. It is certainly possible to use that in a more powerful way.
  4. Ich habe PS 8.1.2 mit einer anderen Domain und PHP 8x eingerichtet. Ich habe die Daten von der alten Site PS 5x migriert – ich arbeite an der neuen Site, um alles zum Laufen zu bringen und zu testen. Wenn der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, migriere ich die Daten erneut und ändere die URLs.
  5. Ihre Shop-URL wird in der Datenbank in der Tabelle ps_shop_url gespeichert Der Name Ihrer Datenbank wird in einer Datei unter \config\settings.inc.php gespeichert
  6. Ich stimme mit @Netagent überein, dass es funktionieren wird, die Datenbank jeweils um eine Version zu aktualisieren. Der andere Weg ist die Datenmigration. Meiner Erfahrung nach sind die meisten Migrationsmodule nicht in der Lage, PS 1.5x auf PS 8.1.2 zu migrieren. Ich habe sie alle ausprobiert und nur eines gefunden, das den Job erledigt. Das von mir verwendete Modul heißt MIGRATION 4.0 https://addons.prestashop.com/en/data-migration-backup/32298-migration-40-best-upgrade-migrate-migrationpro-tool.html Am besten stellen Sie es so ein, dass Ihre Daten importiert werden und Sie Ihre alten IDs behalten. Dadurch wird alles genau wie Ihre alte Website eingerichtet. Die Produkte und Seitenadressen bleiben gleich. Sie können sich auch dafür entscheiden, keine Bilder zu importieren und Ihre Bilder dann nach dem Import manuell zu kopieren. Das wird eine Menge Zeit sparen. Es wird in nur wenigen Stunden eine große Website erstellen.
  7. I agree with @Netagent that upgrading the database one version at a time will work. The other way is data migration. In my experience, most migration modules are not up to migrating PS 1.5x to PS 8.1.2. I have tried them all and only found one that can do the job. The module I use is called MIGRATION 4.0 https://addons.prestashop.com/en/data-migration-backup/32298-migration-40-best-upgrade-migrate-migrationpro-tool.html The best way to do it is to set it to import your data and choose to keep your old IDs. This will set up everything just like your old website. The products and page addresses will stay the same. You can also choose not to import images and then copy over your images manually after the import. That will save a big amount of time. It will do a large website in just a few hours.
  8. Just to be clear for anyone finding this thread you are setting up a test server or you are moving your shop to a new domain. There are only two things you need to change. 1. If the database name has changed, update file - \app\config\parameters.php 2 update the database table ps_shop_url That's it! That will get you up and running.
  9. Another trick is to test your old domain locally by putting " old-domain.com" in your Windows host file. When not testing, just comment it out "# old-domain.com"
  10. You will need to check table ps_shop_url in your database.
  11. Yep, that's what it is. The format of the old password. As stated, my old site is PS - on that site; I installed a module that would increase password security. Password recovery & High-Security Password Storage Developed by:MADEF IT|Version:1.1.1 He is no longer updating the module because newer versions of PS have better password handling. Unfortunately for me and my customers, there isn't any way to use the passwords after migrating to PS 8.1.2. And now, in addition to that, the password format is causing the forgot password routine to fail. Because none of the passwords would work anyway, I can copy an updated password in the new format into each customer record, allowing the customer to use the forgot password method. However, I think a more elegant method will be to install some code to check if email exists at login, display notice of needing to upgrade password, send email verification and allow password upgrade.
  12. @endriu107 yes sir! Did that, and all looks ok. I also created a new customer to compare that data, and the new customer data looks the same pretty much, however, the new customer created with PS 8.1.2 can use the forgot password function with no problems. I think I'll try copying the new password to one of the old customers, change the email to mine and see if it will allow it to update.
  13. There is no module. I installed PS 8.1.2 and migrated the customers from the old PS 5.6.3. I knew the passwords would not be compatible because of a module I had in use on the old site. I knew that customers would need to update the password manually. However, I did not anticipate this problem. I hope someone who has had a similar problem might offer a solution.
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