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garciasanchezdani last won the day on May 12 2021

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About garciasanchezdani

  • Birthday 11/26/1987

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  1. Buenos días @infinityl Lo que comentas sí es posible. Utiliza una query como: UPDATE `ps_product_lang` SET `name` = replace(name, 'Camiseta', 'Subanstrujenwagen') WHERE `id_lang` = 2; En la query anterior, suponemos que el id_lang del idioma alemán es el 2. Tendrías que preparar y ejecutar entonces tantas queries como reemplazos quieras hacer. Un saludo.
  2. No, that's the reason what you can make use of hooks mentioned. I usually create a module named, for example, "custom hooks", where I add hooks what I need. You can use https://validator.prestashop.com/generator to create the base of your module simply. Best regads,
  3. Yes mate! It was incredible. The problem was emails introduced by customer, with some letter in uppercase. So the fix was make lowercase of each email, before sending the email. Hope it helps to you. Best regards.
  4. Hi @thehurricane I created one hooks module, for add in it these two hooks, in addition of further hooks. I thought would be the best option. Best regards,
  5. Hi all, We have developed one new email template, named 'pending_documentation'. Ok, in this PrestaShop instance, when new order is made, the customer receive one email with this template, due to this order changes itself to this order state: pending_documentation Everything is ok, and email is arriving well in most of cases, but in some cases emails arrives to the customer with variables names, instead of variables values. For example: Someone can explain to me what's going on? Summary, we prepare one array named $mail_vars, with all custom variables, like: $mail_vars = array( '{producto_precio}' => Tools::displayPrice($amount, $currency) . ' /' . $this->module->l('mes'), . . . ); And then, we use this: $this->module->validateOrder( $cart->id, $payment_status, $amount, $module_name, null, $mail_vars, $currency_id, false, $secure_key ); To validate the order, and send the mail with the $mail_vars. Everything is ok, but I don't understand why it happens. Thanks you very much in advance.
  6. Hi all, We have developed one new email template, named 'pending_documentation'. Ok, in this PrestaShop instance, when new order is made, the customer receive one email with this template, due to this order changes itself to this order state: pending_documentation Everything is ok, and email is arriving well in most of cases, but in some cases emails arrives to the customer with variables names, instead of variables values. For example: Someone can explain to me what's going on? Summary, we prepare one array named $mail_vars, with all custom variables, like: $mail_vars = array( '{producto_precio}' => Tools::displayPrice($amount, $currency) . ' /' . $this->module->l('mes'), . . . ); And then, we use this: $this->module->validateOrder( $cart->id, $payment_status, $amount, $module_name, null, $mail_vars, $currency_id, false, $secure_key ); To validate the order, and send the mail with the $mail_vars. Everything is ok, but I don't understand why it happens. Thanks you very much in advance.
  7. Hola @Rafa TTT He buscado y he encontrado este módulo: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/combinaisons-customization/28367-combinations-table-pro.html Échale un vistazo. Aunque personalmente, pienso que lo que necesitas, puede hacerse rápidamente tocando un poco css y javascript. Un saludo.
  8. Buenos días @Pack_12 Una consulta como la siguiente te serviría: UPDATE `ps_product_lang` pl1, `ps_product_lang` pl2 SET pl1.`description` = pl2.`description`,pl1.`description_short` = pl2.`description_short`,pl1.`link_rewrite` = pl2.`link_rewrite`,pl1.`meta_title` = pl2.`meta_title`,pl1.`name` = pl2.`name` WHERE pl2.`id_lang`=1 AND pl1.id_product = pl2.id_product; No obstante, realiza antes un backup de tu tabla ps_product_lang. Espero que te ayude. Un saludo.
  9. Buenos días @Becquel Al confirmarse un pedido, el tpl que se carga es el /themes/MY_THEME/templates/checkout/order-confirmation.tpl Puedes añadir tu snippet al final del todo: <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=renderOptIn" async defer></script> <script> window.renderOptIn = function() { window.gapi.load('surveyoptin', function() { window.gapi.surveyoptin.render( { // REQUIRED FIELDS "merchant_id": "137765381", "order_id": {Tools::getValue("id_order")}, "email": {$customer.email}, "delivery_country": "ES", "estimated_delivery_date": {$smarty.now + (60*60*24*1)|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d"}, //aqui he puesto 24 horas de entrega estimada }); }); } </script> He eliminado los campos opcionales ( OPTIONAL FIELDS ) Espero que te sirva. Un saludo.
  10. Hola @pelujo Para editar el email de pago, tienes que actualizar el fichero htdocs/classes/PaymentModule.php Por tanto, si no lo tienes aún, crea un override. Te dejo tutorial relacionado: https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concepts/overrides/ En concreto, tienes que sobreescribir la función validateOrder. Un saludo.
  11. Hi @cpuin You can add this function to your module: public function hookActionOrderStatusUpdate($params) { //make something } Remember that, for your module "makes something" in that hook, its has to be added to that hook ("action order status update"). You can add by hand in backend, in positions.
  12. Buenos días, Una vez dentro, busca la cadena "Package in transit". Creo que es ahí. Un saludo!
  13. Hola @orteking Para insertar un pedido, debes seguir los siguientes pasos: Crear cliente Crear dirección Crear carrito Crear pedido En este post tienes más información:
  14. Hi, I need to add two new fields in exportation of admin customers list. The function which makes the exportation is located in /src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Sell/Customer/CustomerController.php:650 The function is exportAction, but I read this is not possible to override files included in /PrestaShopBundle Is there any hook available? If not...I would update code there, in CustomerController of core, but I dont like it as it is not a good practise. Thanks in advance. Post related:
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