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  1. Yes, I read this. But there is no solution for version? Yep, issue 10122 - but I canˇt find anything to fix it :-(
  2. Well, that ´s nice, I just clicked on many many links on github...but still didn´t find any solution as well till now for Presta 1.7.5 😞 Nobody found the solution for this "The email is already used, please choose another one or sign in" issue? Found module - but works probably only with PHP 5.x, not higher as 7.2 or so 😞 The module is here: https://www.prestachamps.com/en/home/68-forced-guest-checkout.html If anybody found any solution, please share with us 🙂 Thank you!
  3. Hello, so nobody has the same problem? Nobody cares about the sitemap? Nobody has the same problem? Miro.
  4. Hello, please - have anybody working Google sitemap module? I found many discussions, where everybody saying that the Google Sitemap module is not now generatin feed as Google request. The are in the "Products" section a lots of warnings. Did anybody solve this problem? Thank you very much, Miro. Prestashop
  5. Hello Himanshubishtt, I am trying to find " See this post of mine " - how to solve the g analytics issue. Can you please re-link it here? Thank you! Best regards, Miro.
  6. Hello, no one from the Presta experts can´t give any advice? Thank you, Miro.
  7. Hello, I would like to ask as well for any option to disable display signs "tax excl." from all sections - carrier, orders summary etc. Is any way to set it without deleting parts in "themes/default/shopping-cart.tpl", or somewhere else? I´ve disabled all Vat rules in taxes, customer groups... but VAT excl. still displays. Thank you! Miro.
  8. Hello, I was as well setting the cart for hours.... Just write to you my result. The cart module should be hooked only in pages header, and top of pages. Or should be hooked only in pages header, and left / or right culumns. Than it works fine, showing no.of items , refreshing the total of products after deleting one of items from the cart as well. If the cart module is hooked in page header, top of pages and as well in left / or right culumns, there will be some errors - like I have, refreshing update only after additional page refresh, or after another "delete item" button. This is my setting on fresh instal PS, will see how it goes with new template. Miro.
  9. Anketa - podařilo se anketu, co tady hodil Pepa, někomu nainstalovat a rozjet? Na jaké verzi PS ? Díky Mirek.
  10. Díky moc, Falgener! Jsem dlužníkem! Koukal jsem už i na vaše stránky, určitě z nich budu čerpat! Mějte hezký den,Mirek.
  11. Pro falanger - díky moc! Tady je přímo link na modul - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=51557 ...a následně jsem to upravoval podle gennybeans - post # 373 - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/63580-module-block-login-slide-jquery/page__st__360 Posílám i linky na některé úpravy z fr. diskuzí: www.ride-reaction.fr www.musicdestock.fr www.transcorp-piercing.fr www.c-mieux-doccas.com Díky moc za radu!
  12. Opravdu není nikdo, kdo by si s tím věděl rady ??? Díky, mir69.
  13. Dobrý den, mám prosbu o radu - po nainstalování login modulu Slide Jquery nevím jak změnit barvu oken viz obrázek - v bílošedé barvě vypadají nehezky, chtěl bych je změnit na barvu pozadí (je to tuším hex 272727), a pak jen lehce změnit barvu písma (pro "přihlásit se k účtu a vytvořit nový účet" ). Ještě jedna otázka na kosmetickou úpravu - na obrázku je zakroužkován 2x email, má stejnou velikost písma, ale je tam viditelně malý nepatrný rozdíl. Neví někdo co to může být příčinou? Pokud někdo tento modul používá, děkuji předem za radu. mir69 autoeshop.eu
  14. @Dev On Web Sorry for that, if I know french, I would speak french. Just found the module discussion here, so I was that impudent and ask for help and advice here.
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