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  1. Cum se exporta manual datele clientului? Pot face asta cu o interogare sql sau scriu de mana intr-un fisier? Si cum trebuie sa arate aceste date "într-un format structurat, utilizat în mod curent și care poate fi citit automat". LE: Am gasit ce query sa folosesc, pun aici poate mai foloseste cuiva: select ps_customer.id_customer, ps_customer.email, ps_customer.firstname, ps_customer.lastname, ps_customer.passwd, ps_customer.company, ps_customer.birthday, ps_customer.newsletter, ps_address.id_country, ps_address.id_state, ps_address.address1, ps_address.address2,ps_address.postcode, ps_address.city, ps_address.phone, ps_address.vat_number from ps_customer INNER JOIN ps_address ON ps_customer.id_customer=ps_address.id_customer WHERE ps_customer.id_customer='8202' Inlocuiti 8202 cu id-ul clientului dorit. O sa obtineti un tabel pe care il exportati in format csv sau pdf (in cazul pdf iese un tabel lunguiet care nu incape pe o pagina, deci jumatate nu se vede).
  2. For disabled products there is an option: Redirect when disabled with 3 options (404, 301, 302). I think that if I choose 301 and I link to another product, the disabled product should permanently redirect to the new product. Just this is not happen. What for is that option? For all disabled products I had to redirect from htaccess, but, again, I don't understand that option role. Can anyone enlight me? Thanks.
  3. I'm interested, too. I'm using PS
  4. PS I would like to display all prices with 2 decimals, only unit-price I would like to display with 4 decimals (my client's wish). Is there a way to do this?
  5. I want to display disabled products, but instead of box info product with price, add to cart button and everything, just to display a box with "This product is no longer available in our offer", something like that. I've managed to do so until in prestashop, I,ve added in product.tpl this: but I,ve made un upgrade to and now I get the error page (product is no longer available) for disabled products, though the above line of code are still in my product.tpl file. Anyone have any idea how to solve this?
  6. Thanks a lot, it works great for products without combinations, I've made 2-3 minor changes to fit my prices: How can I display prices this way all over the site? Eq for products with combinations, in home page, product list, cart etc. ?
  7. Is there a way to display in prices something like that? With sup and smaller fonts? 3090
  8. I've found this fix for displaying crosselling products in shopping-cart, I hope I will not get the error anymore: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/0b1e26390e7c4a56e72dc18b24025395cebf5613
  9. From time to time, I've got this error in error_log: line 80 is this: I don't know if this are something to do with fact that when I am on shopping cart and I delete a product, products from crosselling are shown all in the page. After I hit refresh, they displays well. Any ideea how to fix this?
  10. apc is Apache? If yes, yes, I have apache with fcgi. What should be better to use? I see that I can change from fcgi to cgi or none, but I'm afraid not to disturb the other sites from VPS.
  11. Please, can you translate for a newbie? Where can I look to see what are you asking?
  12. What could be the reason that I cannot access some pages in BO in prestashop Like Preferences->theme, Configuration information, cannot delete cache from BO ... though on localhost I can. I've increased in php.ini all the values I've found here in forum, but nothing. If I click on the pages above, it stays about 40 seconds, then goes to 404 page. All other pages are loading just fine.
  13. I've found the solution !!! You should go in modules -> blocklayered -> My model (or what is called in English) then you can order the filter by dragging in whatever position you want.
  14. Well, I solved this by adding in htaccess: Now, if I could add some meta-tags to tags pages, like I managed to make at 1.2.5 version, it would be veeery nice
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