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presta.show last won the day on April 26 2022

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    Warsaw, Poland
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    PrestaShop Ninja
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    Marketing / SEO Agency
    Web Development Agency
    Module Developer

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  1. XML, CSV and API integration for PrestaShop Automate the flow of your product catalog This module allow you integrate your PrestaShop store with any numbers of API, XML and CSV feeds. Module connect to local or remote XML and CSV files and APIs and read data from them. Select the data you want to transfer to your store and run the import. No limits for XML, CSV and API integrations Run with large files with 20.000 and more product or combinations The functionality of the module reflects the needs of our customers (over 300 module updates in last years) and allow PrestaShop Admin to create import schema for any sales scenario. More info and module demo: https://prestashow.com/en/prestashop-modules/5-prestashop-smart-importer-xml-csv-api-integration.html PrestaShop: 1.6, 1.7, 8.x Available Translations: EN, PL, IT, ES, FR, DE PrestaShop Multistore and Advanced Stock Management Support 1-click updates and support included The module guide you through the process of adding and configuring new XML, CSV or API in 5 easy steps. The module supports all PrestaShop catalog fields that you can configure for import and update data. You can modify the configuration for each integration and each field to add, skip or modify products before they hit the store. It's up to you to select the data to import or update. If you have any questions - go ahead 馃檪 Screenshots: 1. Integrations list 2. Data matching: from feed to PrerstaShop: 3. Importing / updating: one by one of fully automatic:
  2. Hi, Yes, but you need to migrate all product dependent tables like stock, category, attributes manufacturer, images supplier. Alternatively, if you need an automaton, you can write a script that will download data from the store via the API and enter the data of the other one. There are functions available in prestashop to keep the same id.
  3. Hi, You have a problem with the css file, you need to edit the custom.css file in your template and correct the width of the elements.
  4. Siemka Raczej nale偶a艂by utworzy膰 dodatkowy kontroler, jako now膮 stron臋 lub edytowa膰 np. kod strony CMS i zarejestrowa膰 dodatkowego hooka lub poszuka膰 modu艂u. Nie ma mo偶liwo艣ci wyklinania takiej opcji przez Panel Administracyjny.
  5. Siemka Odezwij si臋 do nas na pm. Z ch臋ci膮 pomo偶emy w migracji bazy danych.
  6. HI, If you use default theme try belowe css code: .product-miniature .thumbnail-container:focus .product-description::after, .product-miniature .thumbnail-container:hover .product-description::after{ display:none; } .highlighted-informations{ display:none; }
  7. cze艣膰, nie polecam stosowa膰 darmowych szablon贸w, w miar臋 tanie i dobre szablony znajdziesz na https://themeforest.net/category/ecommerce/prestashop tylko sprawd藕 zawsze wersj臋, je艣li nie masz umiej臋tno艣ci programistycznych poszukaj szablonu z modu艂em elementor - u艂atwi ci prac臋 nad konfiguracj膮 wizualn膮 sklepu.
  8. Hi, This modification is a bit complicated to navigate you and do the job via forum. Developer have to do the job directly in your store.
  9. Cze艣膰 & przed zmienn膮 oznacza 偶e jest to wska藕nik, powiniene艣 public function hookFilterProductSearch(&$params) { $params['pagination']['test'] = 'test'; $params['test'] = 'test'; }
  10. Cze艣膰, Je艣li chodzi o same zam贸wienia bez tworzenia produkt贸w wystarczy przenie艣膰 zawarto艣膰 tabeli {prefix}order_details, produkty powinny pojawi膰 si臋 w zam贸wieniach.
  11. You can try to add the purifier directory in the cache directory but the cache directory regenerates itself
  12. try to clear cache or rename /home/xofusion/test.fusioneat.it/var/ to /home/xofusion/test.fusioneat.it/_var directory
  13. Hi, you have add to Override /classes/AdminProductsController.php and edit __construct() or getList function, you can add empty column in field list like specific_price or set price in getList
  14. Hi, Which PrestaShop and PHP are you using? Do you have active cache system?
  15. hi, this is not error 500, try remove file src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/news.yml file ( backup this file in other place )
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