When we try to email customer linked to their order using the order comment, there is a char limit of 1600.
I'm guessing I have to set varchar limit in mysql but what other codes do I have to edit to ensure there are no code conflicts?
The exact same code you recommended, just that I swap the table and fields accordingly. That apparently didn't work.
$this->fields_list['supplier_reference'] = array(
'title' => $this->l('Suplier Reference'),
'filter_key' => 'supp!supplier_reference'
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` supp ON sa.id_product = supp.id_product
I realize this table don't always store all supplier reference because some attributes are 0. There is another table which contains more accurate data.
How do I get supplier_reference field of ps_product_attribute table instead? I tried replacing the table and fields using your solution but keep getting
Any help would be great!