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  1. Hi Does your product having combinations also or just product details in one description filed? [as i have not done with the product options/ combination] I have a bulk import solution which directly insert into prestashop through sql queries , so you .xls file [or any formated data] acan be read and inserted into prestashop DB its a paid service, if interested please let me know, thank you
  2. Hi can you please share the attribute & combination creation part, rest i can handle, Thank you
  3. Hi criacaosites I think i have to create attibutes in these tables ps_attribute_group ps_attribute_group_lang ps_attribute_group_shop ps_attribute ps_attribute_lang ps_attribute_shop ps_attribute_impact Then assign that attibute in this tables for combination ps_product_attribute ps_product_attribute_combination ps_product_attribute_image ps_product_attribute_shop any enlightment in this regard would be a great help for me, Thank you
  4. Hi this tutorial will be helpful for you to create a new custom page http://nemops.com/creating-new-pages-in-prestashop/
  5. Hi H really appreciate your reply, as i said i already have created this new custom page, and it works like that - from my module backend you will create a new page [not cms page] and enter page details - auto generated page id ,name , url-key, mention which categories to show in that page by comma separation, and when view this page localhost/prestashop/cl-iphone-accessories-1 with will show product from the page id 1 , querying into those category for page 1 and in carousel [this has already beed done] rest everything has already been done products are showing properly when viewed like this localhost/prestashop/cl?pid=1 localhost/prestashop/cl?pid=2 but i want SE froendly URL like localhost/prestashop/cl-iphone-accessories-1 localhost/prestashop/cl-samsung-smart-phone-accessories-2 these url i will put in my menu to open that URL
  6. Thank you Nemo, for your reply. i get the proper result by such url localhost/prestashop/cl?pid=1 , but i want friendly url format like localhost/prestashop/cl-iphone-accessories-1 i want to make it friendly url, shall i directly add url redirect code on .httaccess?
  7. Hi do you mean , admin menu horizontal? backoffice >> System administration [top right of the page]>> my preferences >> then in form Admin menu orientation make it top
  8. Hi this is your link for list of products by manufacturer ProDerm https://boutique.figurra.ca/en/4_pro-derm
  9. Hi I am creating a custom dynamic page, depending on get value on url the page content will change I have done everything and everything seems working fine: created a module, controller , query into category to get products, displayed them properly, created seo URL and the new page is showing perfectly as localhost/prestashop/cl what I want is localhost/prestashop/cl-iphone-accessories-2 localhost/prestashop/cl-samsung-smart-phone-accessories-3 depending on pid 2, 3 page content will change, how to create such the URL? , rest query and all i will do, depending on (int)Tools::getValue('pid') Thank you
  10. Hi I am planning to develop a module for Shipping time estimator in product details page which will display message like below "Order within 7 hrs 30 mins to ship Today, Est. Delivery by: 3rd Dec - 5th Dec [depends on courier you select on checkout]" Will have option to exclude shipping dates, option to exclude Saturday, Sunday delivery. There will be a cut off time to mention in backend which will decide this estimates. I am also planning to add buffer time depending on category, product wise buffer time would have too much entry in backend. Please suggest Thank you
  11. Hi I can develop it, as shown on http://www.findlegalforms.com/ see my prestashop menu modules http://codecanyon.net/user/rajlaskar/portfolio But the theme you mentioned is magento site http://www.plazathemes.com/demo/ma_orion/ i think you mean this http://demo.posthemes.com/pos_orion/en/ [this one is prestashop] Thank you
  12. above code is for uploading products to product id 4 see this $url = PS_SHOP_PATH. '/api/images/products/4';
  13. i think its because of some libraries are not installed in your XAMPP setup compare to your online server
  14. if you want i can send you a small standalone module to generate rewrite url with input keyword added in product name to generate url, it works like that , you will create a csv file from your product feed with product name only, then in that module [ its basically a form], you have option to add keyword to concat to the name and you will upload that product name csv, on clicking "generate rewite url" , you will get a csv file with your rewrite url key
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