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  1. Nice catch. I have opened an issue on GitHub. https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/15315
  2. Open this file: root/themes/classic/modules/ps_customersignin/ps_customersignin.tpl. Add below code after {else} statement near line-45. <a href="{$urls.pages.register}" rel="nofollow">{l s='Register' d='Shop.Theme.Actions'}</a>
  3. You can keep the whole tree similar on all pages by configuring the "Category tree links" module in Back-office. Select the following option: Category root => Home category. You can also try other options based on your requirement.
  4. Please refer this topic: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/566627-install-theme-custom-modules-at-the-same-time/
  5. Try recompiling template files or clear cache from Back-office. Go to BO > Advanced Parameters > Performance. Click on "Clear cache" button in top-right corner. Now check your shop. The quick view option should be removed if you have deleted proper code.
  6. Make sure the theme which you're importing is compatible with PS 1.7. Check this tutorial which might help you. I have tried importing themes and it worked perfect
  7. Hi Fred, You can import new theme from BO > Design > Theme & Logo. Click on "Add new theme" in top-right corner. Further steps are same as in PS 1.6.
  8. There might be syntax or php error(s) in your module which results in that error message. I also got such error message and after fixing a small syntax error, my module was installed successfully.
  9. Hi Dominik. I had compared database tables related to products in 1.7 and 1.6 and noticed difference. Moreover, 1.7 is different than 1.6 in many aspects so I think it won't be good idea to import/export databases between them.
  10. Vouchers can be enabled by adding a new cart rule (or voucher) in BO > Catalog > Discounts.
  11. There isn't any option to disable Quick View from back-office. But you can delete its code manually from below file in your themes folder. /templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl
  12. You need to edit the following file located in your theme folder: /templates/_partials/footer.tpl
  13. You need to edit the following file located in your theme folder: /templates/_partials/footer.tpl
  14. I think "Display all pictures" button has been removed (not a bug) in PS 1.7. I'm not sure whether they will consider adding it in future versions. The product images are displayed directly based on its default combinations. Yes, its too early to use PS 1.7 as real working online shop. You should wait for atleast one (or maybe two) months. If you can't wait, I would suggest to go with PS 1.6 which is much more stable at the moment.
  15. I had the same problem on localhost and noticed that it was due to internet connection. When computer not connected to internet, installation stops at 45%. When computer connected to internet, installation complete. So, make sure your computer is connected to internet while installing PS on localhost.
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