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  • Birthday 05/30/1987

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  1. Your best bet would be to: 1) Buy a template / theme at one of the big marketplaces (Envato etc) 2) Find a prestashop coder to customize the template. My experience with freelancer.com and the like is pretty good, as long as you know what you are looking for. Lots of people have generic coding language, not specific to a product like prestashop. I do development for small business and retail, and I outsource only parts of the work that I know can easily be done "elsewhere", rather than burning my own (expensive) hours. This makes it cheaper for the client, but it only works from a certain scale. Small 1 day jobs are not worth it, because with outsourcing comes another cost: quality assurance and project management :). With european coders you pay a bit more, but you can have a much better discussion about the technology, about your goals and about the skills needed (this is not a fact, but my personal opinion). Most of the eastern europeans I have had the pleasure to work with usually have their own project management, so quality is easier to get by, less revisions, etc. If you want something completely custom (and you have a budget to reflect that requirement) you would 1) Pay a designer to create you a design tailored to prestashop (figma, sketch, photoshop) 2) Pay a developer to "translate" the images to a working theme If you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer.
  2. Gebruik je een custom theme? Het lijkt erop dat de personen achter je theme/module geen compatibiliteit kennen...
  3. There are a number of plugins avaiable as an add-on: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/specialized-platforms/21926-donations-charity.html
  4. Hi there dkb, This is no out of the box functionality (you can't configure what is visible based on catalogue mode or not). The only way to do this is by modifying your template. What template are you using and what version of prestashop are you using?
  5. Hi there, I'm preparing a large upgrade from 1.6.x to 1.7.x latest of one of my clients sites. It's a multistore prestashop site with more than 30k products and a lot of activity. We've set up a dev environment to slowly start testing out PS17 and see what the things are that we might need to fix / correct before going live. In our first trial run we saw a lot of issues upgrading. 500's on the BO, Prestashops own modules that are now causing issues etc. The current issue I've landed at is the Prestashop BO. My shop is in dutch (nl-NL) and we still have the english locale installed for back office work.When I switch my superadmin account to english (because I hate the dutch back office) my screen fills up with random ascii art, as well as untranslated (base) strings - e.g. the menu is untranslated etc. 1) Where does this gibberish come from? Will I need to remove / test every module? 2) Why aren't the base strings translated in english? How can I 'rebuild' the BO translations in PS17 Furthermore I've got a few 'custom' modules for payment providers (local payment provider) that we used in PS16 but 3) A few of my modules are on disk, and in the modules DB Table, but the payment method is not visible in the modules page. How is this possible? What is the criteria for showing the modules Also I found out that the modules page was overhauled, and shows modules that require an update in a separate tab. 4) How come it says I have 43 updates in the tab, but when I click it, it only shows me 6 modules? I've updated all modules manually from the module overview page, but this is not something I'd like to do every time. My main issue is with the English stuff in the back office, the rest is soemthing I can find out myself.
  6. Hi Sass, Good to hear you found a good solutions. Have a nice holiday!
  7. Ik krijg er de kriebels van als je out-of-the-box functionaliteit pas werkend krijgt met een third-party module... ;-) Laat me even weten of cache helpt.
  8. Hi there, I'm well on my way to build my first public module (simple one, just for fun) that I'm planning on throwing in the PS addons-store. Lets just say that this module stops users from going into the ordering steps (after getting the shopping cart summary) based on some settings that I'm offering in the store owner. The issue I have is that (in order to guarantee the working of my module) I need to use overrides (basically I override the OrderControllerCore to see in what step the user is (address details, shipping or payment) and redirect the user to a "sorry, but you cannot order" view.tpl that I'm building, based on the aforemended settings. This all works properly with an override, no problem. In the development docs the PS Staff wrote (link) Questions 1: Will the use of an override be reason for rejecting my submission to the Prestashop addon store? Question 2: I understand that overrides are not the most elegant way to solve it, but as far as I know this is the ONLY way to offer the functionality that was described. Does anyone disagree? Why? Thanks in advance, would be great if a prestashop store official could respond to this
  9. Even voor de duidelijkheid, je footer zegt ps en je post zegt - welke gaat het om?
  10. Check even in BO > Menu Modules > Posities of hij daar ook aan staat, wellicht heb je alles ingesteld maar is de module niet 'ingehaakt' op de juiste plek.
  11. Hoi racemaniac, Als er een "streepje" staat bij de factuur dan betekent het dat de orderstatus ingesteld is om geen factuur te tonen. Ga naar menu orders -> orderstatussen en klik daar de order status aan die je in je screenshot hebt. Op het settingsscherm van deze order status is een setting om de "pdf factuur" ann/uit te zetten voor deze status. Succes!
  12. If you want to do this in a way that will be compatible in the future I would recommend building a module - this is actually quite simple and can archieve what you want (add a menu item the BO to perform some function More info: here
  13. I take it that you are still using your same template from 1.5 or did you upgrade to the default template? The template basically decides what to show, so to say
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