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About bbgun91

  • Birthday 11/28/1981

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    Originally from France.
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  1. I have the same error as you. Once i start the checkout process with a product in my cart, then i get the "Fatal error" notification and nothing else. If i go back to the homepage, i from now also get the error. The error displays on all pages and it's then impossible to remove the item from the cart. If anyone else met the issue, i would be glad to know if they fixed it. FYI, i'm testing on localhost and the Prod version of my website is also connected, but on another mailchimp list, but same account. I don't think it's related, but who knows... Also, since our Prestashop has been modified, i wonder how the module knows when to trigger the functions such as these in the checkout process or newsletter subscription etc... Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi Eugenata ! I bumped into this same issue recently, and when today, i was working on fixing it i found the code to modify. So if you (if it's not too late) or anyone else find this post, here is where to modify: The code is in the Class Cart.php in the function getDeliveryOptionList(). First, i would advice you to copy this function in your override file of Cart.php to prevent any issue and to keep the original code clean. You need to look for "price_with_tax" and "price_without_tax". Find: $best_price_carrier[$id_carrier]['price_with_tax'] += $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['with_tax']; $best_price_carrier[$id_carrier]['price_without_tax'] += $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['without_tax']; and change the "+=" by "=" to remove the incrementation, like this: $best_price_carrier[$id_carrier]['price_with_tax'] = $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['with_tax']; // count only 1 shipping fee whatever the number of packages. $best_price_carrier[$id_carrier]['price_without_tax'] = $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['without_tax']; Do the same for the 2 following pieces of code a few lines under by changing "+=" into "=" : $best_grade_carrier[$id_carrier]['price_with_tax'] += $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['with_tax']; $best_grade_carrier[$id_carrier]['price_without_tax'] += $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['without_tax']; $price_with_tax += $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['with_tax']; $price_without_tax += $carriers_price[$id_address][$id_package][$id_carrier]['without_tax']; You will also need to do the same for the function getCarrierCost(). Finally, you will need to modify the class PaymentModule. Look for the following code: foreach ($package_list as $id_address => $packageByAddress) { foreach ($packageByAddress as $id_package => $package) { and insert, just outside the first loop, a flag that we will create to detect in which package we are. $packageCount = 1; Inside the second loop, look for the $order->total_shipping_tax_excl declaration and add a condition like this: $order->total_shipping_tax_excl = ($packageCount === 1 ? (float)$this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int)$id_carrier, false, null, $order->product_list) : 0.00); So if it's not the 1st package, then the total_shipping_tax_excl is 0 (float). Do the same for $order->total_shipping_tax_incl. At the end of the second loop, don't forget to increment our new flag, so we know that we are on the next package. $packageCount++; That's it ! I hope this will help ! Please comment if it worked well for you or not! For me it was perfect! Cheers!
  3. Thank you very much for your reply andrewcroberts! Even if i already tried it and it didn't work for me, at least it gave me a hint to comfort myself on where to modify. I actually noticed that for me, it would continue to scroll to the .product_list or having random scroll to around there.... What actually worked for me was to replace : $.scrollTo('.product_list', 400); by $.scrollTo('body', 0); // brings to the top of the page instantly. I hope it can help. Cheers.
  4. A bit later, I got another email from the module developer who told me that actually, in the Back-office, there is a setting under Preferences/Customers: "Re-display cart at login" (After a customer logs in, you can recall and display the content of his/her last shopping cart.). You need to turn it ON in order to keep the previous cart when log in. -> This was actually what i needed and what you needed too lxhost, i think. Cheers!
  5. Hi lxhost, I've sent a message to a Module developer who sells "Cart Reminder" module for v1.6. He confirmed me that the same happens for him... and he thanked me for contacting him. What i've done is that i pointed out to him that according to this behavior, "cart Reminder" don't have any reason to be... moreover, people will always get reminders even if the log in again to their account... so it's buggy ! I think this is intentional from Prestashop, since many of the "Cart Reminder" modules suggest reminders within hours... or even minutes.... , and some other modules empty the cart after a few minutes. But i think this hasn't been done the good way. I think we should check the date of last use of the cart, and if it's less than a defined date, then we re-use the previous cart, otherwise we create a new cart. This might be fixed on the authentication controller i guess. I haven't checked yet, but i will modify it later. I think it's a pity that none of the moderators replied or maybe saw this topic. I think it's quite an important one. Also, i deplore that some modules like "Cart Reminder" made for Presta 1.5 and 1.6 don't take in consideration this fact (i guess most of them just create modules but don't really use Prestashop as an final-user).
  6. Actually, related to my previous post, i have to say that i tested simultaneously 2 Paypal modules. - One was proposed by Prestashop 1.6 : it's "Paypal USA, Canada" in version 1.3.9. - The other one is "Paypal v.3.5.7" The second one, i don't know if it's older or not... it seems to be... because i used to use it on Prestashop 1.4.10, and actually the result on the website is actually almost the same. The difference is that on Paypal v3.5.7, when i arrive on the Paypal interface, i got the new Paypal interface and it displays the amount of the transaction (you have to click on the total of the order which is summed up in the top right of the left block of the Paypal Interface. With "Paypal USA, Canada" in version 1.3.9, i have 2 different interface according to if i use "Express checkout" or "Standard". If i use standard, i have the old Paypal interface, which doesn't detail properly the order according to if i use discounts or not, and also depends of the number of discounts. If i use over than 1 discount, the whole order details will be summed up into 1 amount "item amount". Which is very bad, because it includes the different items amount + the different discounts + shipping fees + tax. So i used the "Express checkout" mode, and i finally got the new Paypal interface. Though, i noticed that the order amount actually doesn't display at all !!! And it will create a new customer account on your Prestashop website if the name of the Paypal customer is different from the name used to proceed the purchase on the Prestashop website. So i don't recommand "Paypal USA, Canada" in version 1.3.9. I would recommand Paypal v3.5.7 which seems to work fine.
  7. Hi, I ran into the same problem with my Prestashop 1.6 using Paypal USA&Canada v1.3.9 and using the Express Checkout mode. I found the solution which fixed the issue : Dh42 wrote the solution in another post thread: In the Paypal folder, open the file controllers/front/expresscheckout.php find line 120 and remove .$nvp_request from the line, It should be almost at the end of the line. Source: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/445960-paypal-error-code-10413/?p=2074417 This fixed the issue for me.
  8. Does loging in works for everybody ? Is it only me who get this issue ? Please tell me, so i know in which direction to go! Because i tested on a fresh Prestashop and i have this issue ! Thanks.
  9. Solved ! Finally... but not really sure what was wrong. Just started the migration from scractch and migrated in another order the tables. After re-doing from scratch the database migration (manually), because warehouses have their address recorded in the table ps_address, i figured out that it's of course better to migrate the table ps_address first, then create carriers (Cf. previous comment), and then enable advanced stock management and create the warehouse(s) through BO. Otherwise, i got my addresses migration which replaced the warehouses addresses. Also, when migrating products and stocks, make sure that in the table ps_stock_available, for each product you have a specific record with "id_product_attribute = 0" and "quantity" equals the sum of the quantities of all the different combinations of the product. Here is the code i added to my migration: INSERT INTO `ps_stock_available` (id_product, id_product_attribute, id_shop, id_shop_group, quantity, depends_on_stock, out_of_stock) SELECT id_product, 0 as `id_product_attribute`, 1 as `id_shop`, 0 as `id_shop_group`, SUM(quantity), 1 as `depends_on_stock`, 0 as `out_of_stock` FROM `ps_product_attribute` GROUP BY id_product; I hope it could help someone with the same problem. Cheers.
  10. Hi, I'm currently testing on a fresh version of Prestashop Once Logout can't get the previous cart back. I've noticed that when i log in as customer, add 1 or 2 products (or more) to my cart then log out, i'm considered as a new guest. When i log in again, i'm affected to a new cart ID, so i cannot get the previous cart with the selected items: my cart is now empty when i log in. Is it normal, or is it a setting that i didn't set properly ? I've tested with the setting "Enable guest checkout" ON and OFF, both it didn't help. Also, if i'm on the checkout page (1 step checkout or Cart summary if 5 steps) and i log out, then i would get the message that my cart is empty (not sure if it's relevant, but i'm telling it, just in case). PS: I come from Prestashop 1.4.10 and i didn't have this issue. Whatever i was logging in from a different browser or device, i could get my cart back. Though, what i couldn't do was to add a product when i was not logged in, because it would then create a new cart and wouldn't merge with the original cart if later i would log in. Thanks by advance for your help.
  11. Still no life on this forum... For those who might meet such problem... i noticed something which didn't solve my issue, but i think it's a good start: When "advanced stock management system" is enabled, you need to create one or several warehouse, right ?! So if you have carriers (as for me, i want to keep the default one at least until my bug is fixed), they might be selected by default. In "Stock > Warehouse > Edit", it's said at the bottom of the page: So i removed the carriers by selecting them then clicking on the button "Remove". What is the next step ? -> "SAVE" button to click! Once it was saved and i landed on the Warehouse list, normal. Then i went to create a new Carrier in the BO, set everything... good. I refreshed the chekout page to see my new carrier... i didn't see it. i went to check the Database table ps_warehouse_carrier and how surprised... there was data in it ! The records were for the 2 native carriers that i actually removed from the selection... and my new carrier didn't appear (which is normal for the new carrier)! So i went back in the Warehouses details, and noticed that actually the 2 native carriers were selected again! My new carrier wasn't. I unselected these 2... saved.... And clicked on Edit again, in order to check if something changed. Yes, something changed! When you unselect all the carriers, it actually select all the carriers... which in my opinion doesn't really make sense. I agree that if you select no carrier all the carriers are available... (that means all!)... so in my opinion, no need to create records to do it... if the result of the warehouse query return NULL, then just allow all the carriers... don't create records when we don't want records to be created ! That means, that each time that you create one or several carriers, you have to go to "Stock > Warehouse" and select/unselect the carriers again... quite confusing ! So the sentence "If no carrier is selected, all the carriers will be allowed to ship from this warehouse." is not quite exact actually. It should be written : "If no carrier is selected, all the current carriers will be allowed to ship from this warehouse." Though, as i said, even after setting this, it still didn't fix my issue... and i hope someone will be able to help. I'm pro-active, i don't wait for people to give me the solution without searching by myself... i tried so many things... i reverted my code (SVN), reverted the database as well... FYI, i migrated from v1.4.10 to using SQL scripts coded by myself. I didn't use any Migration module because my database as well as my code has been quite customized by the time i created the website in 2013. Thanks by advance for your help.
  12. Hi Wisdomp10 ! Thank you so much ! What you wrote (enable cache, etc...) made the trick ! I had actually like 3 or 4 error "500" when loading the product page in the BO, and they are now gone! I've been working on Prestashop for years now, i was so far on Presta 1.4, and i just migrate to 1.6 hoping to escape the bugged period... bug i think it's still ful of bugs ! I'm really pissed off have to debug Prestashop instead of working on my new project. Other fix if this can help some people... Smarty {debug} popup only works when in "Advanced Parameters > Performance > CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)" you enable "Move JavaScript to the end" ! Which i think is CRAZY !!! If you don't do that.... according to the template you insert this tag, it will either work... or not! If it doesn't work, it will display the content of the Smarty Debug Console INSIDE the page !!!! Prestashop 1.6 is now on the market for so long, and so many bugs are remaining... it's really disappointing (especially because i often promote Prestashop around me)! Cheers!
  13. Still nobody with a solution ? I figured out that if i changed the carrier "id_reference" to 1 or 2 (which correspond to the native carriers), then it works! My carrier would display! Though, it's not a solution! So i wondered if there was somewhere else a setting that wasn't well set while i've set the carrier in the BO. But it seems that id_reference is used only in the table ps_carrier. I checked many times the settings for the zone, the carrier, even check if it wasn't a problem of tax...., i also tried to set the carrier for the product i test the purchase of, didn't work... so i reset to no carrier (in order to have all carrier selected). Please HELP !!! Bellini13, if you hear me.... help ! lol Thanks by advance...
  14. Hi, this is a real pity that they removed the zipcode system that was in Prestashop 1.4. I'm currently migrating from 1.4 to 1.6 and i just discovered this issue. To fix it, and instead of creating a new rule for each zip code that i entered on Presta 1.4, i wrote a sql script to automatize it. /* Insert parent rules */ INSERT INTO `new_database`.`ps_tax_rule` (`id_tax_rule`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_country`, `id_state`, `zipcode_from`, `zipcode_to`, `id_tax`, `behavior`, `description`) VALUES (53, 53, 21, 0, '0', '0', 0, 1, 'No Tax For all USA'), (54, 53, 21, 5, '0', '0', 5, 1, 'California specific Tax'); /* i create 1 rule per zip/postal code */ INSERT INTO `new_database`.`ps_tax_rule`(`id_tax_rules_group`, `id_country`, `id_state`, `zipcode_from`, `zipcode_to`, `id_tax`, `behavior`, `description`) SELECT tr.id_tax_rules_group, tr.id_country, tr.id_state, cz.from_zip_code as `zipcode_from`, cz.from_zip_code as `zipcode_to`, tr.`id_tax`, 0 as `behavior`, c.name as `description` FROM `old_database`.`ps_tax_rule` tr LEFT JOIN `ps_county` c ON (c.id_county = tr.id_county) LEFT JOIN `ps_county_zip_code` cz ON (cz.id_county = c.id_county) WHERE id_tax_rules_group = 53 /* This is usually the id for the first tax rule group that you add - change with yours if needed */ AND cz.from_zip_code IS NOT NULL I hope it will help. Cheers.
  15. I have almost the same issue. Only the original 2 carriers appear ! Not the new ones. I've checked that the zones are selected in Localization > Zones , and same for countries. I've checked the new carriers and made them exactly similar to one of the native carrier which works, but without success. I've also disabled the non prestashop modules and disabled the overrides... still bugged... I've checked with the Smarty {debug} popup, and only the 2 first carriers are in the variables.... I've spent hours on it... If anyone has fixed it... i have Prestashop v.
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