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NemoPS last won the day on November 5

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  1. I know it's probably obvious bu is Demo Mode disabled?
  2. It is mandatory, but as you say it's possible to edit that. You'll have to add input type="hidden" and use the same exact keys to fool the system. You can generate random names with javascript or smarty, or even grab the first part of theemail and use that (again, with javascript). What version of prestashop are you using? default theme I assume?
  3. Just to clarify, what sitemap module are you talking about? Also can you share a link to your shop's front office?
  4. It looks like there might be a javascript error on the page. Try opening the debug console with f12 and see if the "console" tab shows any error
  5. Unfortunately one really has to select a shop, otherwise some changes will be applied to all shops. As far as I know, for images, you still need to change them for each shop. They should override the global setting (like for module settings)
  6. Can you share the page? For the latter I think you will have to use javascript. The first one should be in the back office translations page
  7. Hey! Can you share a screenshot of the configuration for one of these customers? You say it's "also" the processional group but the default can only be one
  8. Are you a programmer? You need to edit the search files' code for that, unfortunately. As far as I know there is no way to limit search results to the full text. For something like that you either get a custom module or edit the code really
  9. You have to create it, copy the original tag.php's function over, just the function containing that line, in a normal override file. See how to make one here http://nemops.com/extending-prestashop-objects/#.XtufCDozaUk
  10. hmm could you clarify what you mean by turning off the magazine?
  11. You can simply hide them by disabling debug mode from the advanced parameters in the back office, the issues are not critical.
  12. add a new column to that ps_ganalytics table in the database, name it id_shop and make it an INT
  13. turn on dev mode in the back office, performance page, then send over a screenshot of the detailed error you get. Are you sure the theme was compatible?
  14. Are you using the faceted search block? It does mess up products by showing those from subcategories, you might want to turn that off
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