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shacker last won the day on August 22

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About shacker

  • Birthday 06/18/1980

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    PrestaShop, php, css, Web design
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    Web Development Agency

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  1. Just checked and dont have any virus. you can open each file of the module and find any malicious code
  2. puedes verlo aqui https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/es/inicio/479-prestafip-factura-electronica-afip.html
  3. Sometimes you need to sort alphabetically the links in your store. With this trick, you can do Edit the file LinkBlockPressenter.php located in in modules/ps_linklist/src/Presenter private function makeLinks($content, $custom_content) { $cmsLinks = $productLinks = $staticsLinks = $customLinks = $categoryLinks = []; if (isset($content['cms'])) { $cmsLinks = $this->makeCmsLinks($content['cms']); } if (isset($content['product'])) { $productLinks = $this->makeProductLinks($content['product']); } if (isset($content['static'])) { $staticsLinks = $this->makeStaticLinks($content['static']); } if (isset($content['category'])) { $categoryLinks = $this->makeCategoryLinks($content['category']); } $customLinks = $this->makeCustomLinks($custom_content); $cmsl= array_merge( $cmsLinks, $productLinks, $staticsLinks, $customLinks, $categoryLinks ); $positions = array_column($cmsl, 'title'); array_multisort($positions, $cmsl); return $cmsl; } https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/en/content/55-sort-prestashop-links-in-footer
  4. replace this function in /src/Adapter/Product/QueryHandler/SearchProductsHandler.php on line 273 private function getProductCombinations( Product $product, string $currencyIsoCode, int $computingPrecision, ?Order $order = null 😞 array { $productCombinations = []; $combinations = $product->getAttributeCombinations(); if (false !== $combinations) { foreach ($combinations as $combination) { $productAttributeId = (int) $combination['id_product_attribute']; if ( $combination['attribute_name'] == null) { $attribute = '-'; } else { $attribute = $combination['attribute_name']; } if (isset($productCombinations[$productAttributeId])) { $existingAttribute = $productCombinations[$productAttributeId]->getAttribute(); $attribute = $existingAttribute . ' - ' . $attribute; } $priceTaxExcluded = $this->getProductPriceForOrder((int) $product->id, $productAttributeId, false, $computingPrecision, $order); $priceTaxIncluded = $this->getProductPriceForOrder((int) $product->id, $productAttributeId, true, $computingPrecision, $order); $productCombination = new ProductCombination( $productAttributeId, $attribute, $combination['quantity'], $this->contextLocale->formatPrice($priceTaxExcluded, $currencyIsoCode), $priceTaxExcluded, $priceTaxIncluded, $combination['location'], $combination['reference'] ); $productCombinations[$productCombination->getAttributeCombinationId()] = $productCombination; } } return $productCombinations; }
  5. Affiche la disponibilité des produits dans la liste de produits. Vous pouvez définir la couleur d'arrière-plan des messages disponibles et non disponibles. Link https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/en/modules-prestashop/504-availability-in-product-list.html productava.zip v2.0
  6. Display product availability in product list. You can configure the background color for Available and not available message. Link https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/en/modules-prestashop/504-availability-in-product-list.html productava.zip V2.0
  7. Conformité de cookie est qu'une law.you EU peut informer à vos clients d'une manière gentille avec un module entièrement personnalisable. Link: https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/fr/modules-prestashop/455-ue-cookie-.html
  8. Cookie Compliance is an EU law.You can inform to your customers that your site use cookies in a nice way with a fully customizable module. Link: https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/en/modules-prestashop/455-ue-cookie-prestashop.html
  9. PasswordRecovery est un outil simple qui vous permettra de récupérer votre mot d e passe en quelques instants, en remplaçant l'actuel. Téléchargez simplement le fichier à la racine de votre site et exécutez-le. Par exemple catalog-onlinersi.net/recovery.php entrez votre email et le nouveau mot de passe, et vous pouvez accéder à l'administrateur avec vos nouvelles données. N'oubliez pas de cliquer sur le bouton SUPPRIMER LE FICHIER Link https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/fr/racine/507-prestashop-password-recovery.html recovery.zip v1.1
  10. PasswordRecovery is a simple tool that will allow you to recover your password in moments, replacing the current one. Just upload the file to the root of your site and run it. For example catalog-onlinersi.net/recovery.php enter your email and the new password, and you can access the administrator with your new data. Remember to click on the DELETE FILE button Link https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/en/home/507-prestashop-password-recovery.html recovery.zip v1.1
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