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Carolina Custom Designs

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Carolina Custom Designs last won the day on October 20 2011

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  1. Huh?? And this post is over 4 years old!! Marty Shue Carolina Custom Designs
  2. I know this is an old thread but I just stumbled upon it today while researching this issue of a blank terms of service iframe. Mainly I wanted to thank Vekia for the solution. It worked perfectly for my client on v. Thanks! Marty Shue
  3. What theme are you using? Also, it should be hooked to displayTopColumn and be in the first position. Hope that helps! Marty Shue
  4. Not a huge problem at all. You just need to change the Position of the slider in Modules > Positions. Move that module to the top of the hook. Hope that helps! Marty Shue
  5. On a default installation it works gracefully. You can see this on our demo site here http://dev.carolinacustomdesigns.com/ Since you are not using the default theme you will need to code this in your theme. Hope that helps! Marty Shue
  6. You cannot do that with the default theme since it is a full-width theme. You would first need to make it a boxed theme then you could add the border/shadow. Marty Shue
  7. If I understand you correctly this is not possible. You would need to enter the different color sunglasses as individual products instead of trying to use attributes/values. Marty Shue
  8. It may not appear as a list item it should appear in the total cost. Check to see if it is include in the Paypal transaction. Marty Shue
  9. You will get help if you post in English. Otherwise please post in the appropriate forum. Marty Shue
  10. Most likely there is a problem with your API credentials. Please do the following: 1. Make sure you do not have sandbox mode active. 2. Double and triple check your Paypal API credentials. After this give it another try. Report back with results. Marty Shue
  11. It appears that you have already resolved this issue. You are welcome! Marty Shue
  12. One very simple way to fix this is find #facebook_block .facebook-fanbox { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); padding-bottom: 10px; Then increase the padding to 94px. #facebook_block .facebook-fanbox { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); padding-bottom: 94px; This will solve your problem. Hope that helps! Marty Shue
  13. You're welcome. It looks like you have already uploaded a much larger logo. Marty Shue
  14. #1 can be done very easily. You have padding-top on both elements of 50px. Remove the padding and both elements slide nicely to the top of the theme inline with contact us and login. #search_block_top { padding-top: 50px; z-index: 1000; } #header .shopping_cart { position: relative; float: right; padding-top: 50px; Change both to padding-top: 0; Hope that helps! Marty Shue
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