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  1. Here is the currently official link for submitting your store's false positive URLs for whitelisting by Kaspersky. Although I suspect it is dependant on the hostname so this is a fix for your store only i.e. will not help module developers who should properly test their solutions and work around the offending URL they are using. https://newvirus.kaspersky.com/
  2. Hi endriudb, same problem, did you find a solution?
  3. Yes quite different but the same problem/solution I think (getProductTaxRate and PP using total_wt). Try forcing $tax_rate = 0 at line 592 and if that works then you can do something conditional like: $tax_rate = Tax::getProductTaxRate((int)$row['id_product'], (int)$address_id); // custom start $id_default_group = Customer::getDefaultGroupId((int)($this->id_customer)); $price_display_method = Group::getPriceDisplayMethod($id_default_group); if ( $price_display_method == PS_TAX_EXC ) // BO / Clients / Groups: 0 = including tax, 1 = excluding tax { $tax_rate = 0; } // custom end $row['total_wt'] = Tools::ps_round($row['price'] * (float)$row['cart_quantity'] * (1 + (float)$tax_rate / 100), 2); ...
  4. @Jameh well spotted, yes I have the same issue in 1.6.014. It seems that the PayPal module doesn't use the cart totals, it calls getProducts which gets VAT for each product as it is defined in BO/Catalogue/Products i.e. no relation to the customer setup! I have updated #26 with a Cart->getProducts override. Seems OK but please provide your own feedback.
  5. @thijsvk yes this is working if I have not forgotten a piece. For me it is especially working for BO manual order creation. The problem was using $this->_taxCalculationMethod because it relies on Context->customer which is not initialised during a BO order.
  6. Mieux vaut ne pas laisser une question sans solution. PS a besoin d'être mis en phase avec le moteur des expressions régulières qui a certainement été mis à jour sur le serveur web. Editer le fichier classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php Chercher function getSQLRetrieveFilter qui se trouvera plus ou moins autour du numéro de ligne dans l'erreur (selon la version de PS). Dans cette fonction il y a un elseif (preg_match('/^([\d\.:-\s]+),([\d\.:-\s]+)$/', $matches[2], $matches3)) mettre à jour avec la nouvelle version elseif (preg_match('/^([\d\.:\-\s]+),([\d\.:\-\s]+)$/', $matches[2], $matches3)) Une mise à jour complet de PS fera de même mais avec toutes les vérifications de mise en prod en plus.
  7. The issue is not with the version of PS but with the PayPal module. The module's upgrade procedure to v3.10.0 is messy and causes this issue. When you update PS it also updates all modules. Uninstall & reinstall the module is the fastest and cleanest solution. Remember to re-apply module settings afterwards.
  8. Try this https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/434592-direct-link-to-product-review-from-email/?p=2083745
  9. After trying a few variants I have the popup showing with a little JS thrown in to the top of: /themes/your_theme_name/modules/productcomments/productcomments.tpl <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash == '#new_comment_form') $("#new_comment_tab_btn").click(); }); </script> Tested on PS 1.5 module v2.3
  10. I mean I added them 1 by 1 in the BO however I think I have a solution for import. There is an error in the localisation jp.xml file. Please try this change and then reimport and let me know. In /localization/jp.xml change the two outer tags to be plural: state to states ... <states> <state name=... ... </states> ...
  11. @panamahatpub it so happens I have to work on this again for precisely I'd appreciate your feedback in case I missed some of my code below. My requirements: When a customer has his primary group set to a group with no VAT I want 0% VAT everywhere for products, carriers, product totals, FO and BO. I threw all my overrides out and started from scratch I gave up listing all the caller methods that would need to be overridden and decided to trick the system into thinking it is a PS_TAX=0 (don't show VAT) site. That sorts most things except carrier VAT and order total. As a bonus, the customer can browse the catalog excl. VAT when logged in. DISCLAIMER: These are some of the important checks I made which anyone should do before going to prod - never know how your setup may differ from mine. Tax excl. group checks: FO visitor all prices incl. - OK FO logged in prices excl. - OK FO discounts apply excl. - OK BO new order all prices excl. - OK BO new order send email all prices excl. in FO - OK BO gen invoice, VAT detail - KO, still shows up and is not zero, I just kill the VAT detail section on invoice tpl Remove customer from Tax excl. group checks: FO cart refreshes to all incl. - OK FO logged in prices incl. - OK FO discounts apply incl. - OK BO new order all prices incl. - OK Overrides: override/classes/tax/tax.php::excludeTaxeOption override/classes/cart.php::getPackageShippingCost override/classes.cart.php::getOrderTotal The files: EDIT: Updated to use buit in constant PS_TAX_EXC EDIT: Added Cart->getProducts override due to total being recalculated with VAT by PayPal module override/classes/tax/tax.php <?php class Tax extends TaxCore { public static function excludeTaxeOption() { static $ps_tax = null; if ($ps_tax === null) $ps_tax = Configuration::get('PS_TAX'); // @tucoinfo custom start excl. vat group if (isset($context) && $context == null) { $context = Context::getContext(); } if (isset($context->customer)) { $id_default_group = Customer::getDefaultGroupId((int)($context->customer->id)); $price_display_method = Group::getPriceDisplayMethod($id_default_group); if ( $price_display_method == PS_TAX_EXC ) // BO / Clients / Groups: 0 = including tax, 1 = excluding tax { return(true); } } // custom end return !$ps_tax; } } override/classes/cart.php (extracts only, you should copy the full methods first) <?php class Cart extends CartCore { public function getPackageShippingCost($id_carrier = null, $use_tax = true, Country $default_country = null, $product_list = null, $id_zone = null) { ... // Free fees if free carrier if ($carrier->is_free == 1) { Cache::store($cache_id, 0); return 0; } // @tucoinfo custom start BO & FO: no carrier tax if vat excl. group customer $is_vat_excl_group = false; $id_default_group = Customer::getDefaultGroupId((int)($this->id_customer)); $price_display_method = Group::getPriceDisplayMethod($id_default_group); if ( $price_display_method == PS_TAX_EXC ) // BO / Clients / Groups: 0 = including tax, 1 = excluding tax { $is_vat_excl_group = true; } if ($use_tax && !Tax::excludeTaxeOption() && !$is_vat_excl_group) // custom end // Select carrier tax //if ($use_tax && !Tax::excludeTaxeOption()) { $address = Address::initialize((int)$address_id); $carrier_tax = $carrier->getTaxesRate($address); } ... return $shipping_cost; } public function getOrderTotal($with_taxes = true, $type = Cart::BOTH, $products = null, $id_carrier = null, $use_cache = true) { static $address = null; ... $order_total = 0; if (Tax::excludeTaxeOption()) $with_taxes = false; // @tucoinfo custom start BO & FO: no product tax if vat excl. group customer $is_vat_excl_group = false; $id_default_group = Customer::getDefaultGroupId((int)($this->id_customer)); $price_display_method = Group::getPriceDisplayMethod($id_default_group); if ( $price_display_method == PS_TAX_EXC ) // BO / Clients / Groups: 0 = including tax, 1 = excluding tax { $is_vat_excl_group = true; } $with_taxes = ($is_vat_excl_group)? false : $with_taxes; // custom end ... } public function getProducts($refresh = false, $id_product = false, $id_country = null) { ... $address = Address::initialize($address_id, true); $id_tax_rules_group = Product::getIdTaxRulesGroupByIdProduct((int)$row['id_product'], $cart_shop_context); // @tucoinfo PayPal, no product tax if vat excl. group customer // using non existant vat id zero will cancel tax $id_default_group = Customer::getDefaultGroupId((int)($this->id_customer)); $price_display_method = Group::getPriceDisplayMethod($id_default_group); if ( $price_display_method == PS_TAX_EXC ) // BO / Clients / Groups: 0 = including tax, 1 = excluding tax { $id_tax_rules_group = 0; } // custom end $tax_calculator = TaxManagerFactory::getManager($address, $id_tax_rules_group)->getTaxCalculator(); ... } }
  12. Bonjour, OK pour mettre une exception Kaspersky pour un usage strictement interne Admin BO mais personne d'autre a le souci sur le bouton "Identifiant" coté FO lors de l'authentification Déjà inscrit en mode One Page Checkout ? C'est bien plus grave si un client se fasse bloqué par KAV. Raison pour laquelle j'ai désactivé le mode OPC ce qui est bien dommage. Voici le pop-up : TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to send login informations Details:Error thrown: [object Object]Text status: error Avec Firebug le console confirme que la requête Ajax est bloqué par l'antivirus : "NetworkError: 499 Request has been forbidden by antivirus - http://.../fr/quick-order?rand=1433672426794" Cela arrive qu'on soit connecté au BO en même temps ou non. PS sans gamification
  13. Hello, did you get any further with this? I am stuck importing JP states. EDIT: I ended up creating them manually via the BO.
  14. Pas super tout ça. Mieux, voilà que j'ai le même problème sur le bouton Identifiant du Déjà Inscrit coté front office lors de la commande ! URL bloqué : /quick-order?rand=... PS + default-bootstrap FFox 31.0 KAV 14 PS : Ensuite essayé sous IE et ca passe, puis de nouveau avec FF et ca passe sans blocage KAV...pas simple alors.
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