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  1. Switch admin accounts to english and place orders in that language
  2. This is free shipping from €9.90 and you pay 4 € shipping if you buy a cheaper product
  3. So sorry i didn't see this topic before, you choose carrier in carrier page, step 3 and be careful it has a bad pagination. Column on the left: you choose region and price for delivery, on top of region column you choose the range for paid delivery; on the right column you set region price to 0 and on top you set the range for free delivery. sorry for late reply, NicholasIT
  4. choose the label of the language and translate in that language edit: choose the label next to the field you want to translate
  5. Official devs suggested me to use the "per liter, per kilo" field on price tab as if it's not filled by price it's not shown on frontend. I think this workaround will be the best solution while waiting for advanced stock to be implemented. Consider to use this solution as it's best to keep core clean. NicholasIT
  6. Hi there, i was able to edit both last 2 files but can you provide me some more informations about editing catalog.html.twig? if you can paste the lines above or after or explain better where you added that div it will be really useful while advanced stock management is still to be. Thanks so much, NicholasIT
  7. Solved, we were writing prices database side and we saw other tabs where we had to write those prices. NicholasIT
  8. I didn't answer becouse i couldn't understand; you asked me about column in backend now you ask about frontend; i don't know about this it may happen if you set it right NicholasIT
  9. which Prestashop version? there's dropdown menu with language [en, fr, sp, it and so on]
  10. controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php i repeat if you try this first time you'll be no able to understand and "play with it" ask some developer to help you and wait someone to confirm if the file i wrote is the right one NicholasIT edit: i'm not quite sure becouse i made an override on AdminOrdersController, the order page Check Also src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/catalog.html.twig <---- the answer should be here
  11. You have to change Prestashop Core, need some php skills to do that. It's easier imho to change order page than product but if u know what are you doing i can tell what you have to edit. Just don't try yourself or you're going to break your site
  12. Hi, as i wrote on title i need to change cost price as it seems wrong. Choose a product, hit tab "Pricing" and check "Cost Price"; it's the same price of "Retail Price" while it should be lower. Maybe the cell calls the wrong value? I guess "Cost Price" should be the same of tab "Options" and go see bottom at supplier reference--> "prices" that the real Cost Price and it's really out of sight. How do i change "cost price" on "Pricing" tab calling the right price on "Options" tab? Thanks, NicholasIT edit: typos
  13. If it's some code you can share that's fine, if you'd sell it don't mind we're already looking to the core code. Thanks NicholasIT
  14. Ehy, yes we had that feeling after 20min searching on backoffice. thanks i'll keep this unsolved, NicholasIT
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