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  1. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/299296-select-payment-method-by-default/
  2. The correct way is to send select_payment_option to order controller. The easy way: In templates/checkout/_partials/steps/checkout-step.tpl add {if "payment-option-3" == $option.id} checked {/if} instead of {if $selected_payment_option == $option.id} checked {/if}
  3. My goal is not to clear the cart after placing the order. I discover the code of PaymentModuleCore::validateOrder I noticed that after following call $result = $order->add(); the Cart becomes empty. It happens when the order is being placed into DB and if $order->id_cart is set. If I clear $order->id_cart then Cart doesn't become empty. But I can't find the code that clears the Cart.
  4. I want to replace "Quick view" with "Add to cart" button in \themes\classic\templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\product.tpl How can I do this? I found this feature in 1.6 theme https://prestashop1-6.demo.lineven.com/relatedproducts/en/
  5. У меня дефолтная установка Prestashop. Когда я размещаю заказ через Internet Explorer, он создает 2 заказа в БД. Га странице заказа Internet Explorer выызвает контроллер модуля оплаты 2 раза. Я пробовал несколько разных можулей оплаты и везде такое же поведение. В коде PaymentModule::validateOrder есть проверка для таких случаев $this->context->cart->OrderExists() Но 2 вызова страницы происходят одновременно и проверка не срабатывает. Это можно пофиксить?
  6. I run a default installation of Prestashop. When I place an order with Internet Explorer it creates 2 orders in database. On the order page Internet Explorer makes 2 POST calls of validation controller of the payment module. I tried few payment modules and the behavior is the same. in the code of PaymentModule::validateOrder there is a check for this situation $this->context->cart->OrderExists() But 2 calls are made simultaneously so this check is not working. How can I fix this?
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