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  1. Fixed. Used the following to fix it : https://github.com/nashcontrol/prestashop-default-bootstrap-rtl
  2. Hello, I'm encountering the weirdest problem. I'm editing global.css but it's not reflected on the site and not showing up in dev-tools. I tried hard refreshing, I tried opening from a different browser and even a different device. Still not showing. EVEN IN DEV TOOLS! I don't have CCC enabled. Any ideas?
  3. تحية طيبة. أنا حاليا أحاول تعريب ثيم بريستا شوب الأساسي وحتى الآن لا أرى العديد من المشاكل ، لكن المشكلة الأكبر هي عند فتح الموقع من الموبايل : http://imgur.com/a/MJLdn كما ترون ، علامة الزائد تغطي اسم الكاتاجوري ولم أستطع حلّها. أي مساعدة؟
  4. Hello, My site is not hebrew, it's Arabic. And since the bug concerns the RTL I thought you guys probably figured it out already . The problem is with the mobile version of the site shown in the picture here : http://imgur.com/a/MJLdn As you can see the "+" sign is covering the categories' names. I tried editing the padding in " /themes/default-bootstrap/css/modules/blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css" at line 65 and the only thing changed is the desktop version padding. No changes whatsoever on mobile. I'm sorry about hijacking your forum like this but no one managed to help me on the other sections of the forum. Thanks. GOOGLE TRANSLATION : זה נעשה באמצעות תרגום גוגל, אם אתה מבין אנגלית אני ממליץ לך לקרוא את הגירסה האנגלית לעיל. שלום, האתר שלי לא בעברית, זה ערבית. ומאחר באג נוגע RTL חשבתי שאתה בטח הבנתי את זה כבר . הבעיה היא עם הגרסה הניידת של האתר שמוצג בתמונה כאן: http://imgur.com/a/MJLdn כפי שאתה יכול לראות את הסימן "+" מכסה את שמות הקטגוריות. ניסיתי לערוך את הריפוד פנימה " /themes/default-bootstrap/css/modules/blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css" על קו 65 ואת הדבר היחיד השתנה הוא ריפוד שולחן העבודה גרסה. אין שינויים כלשהם על הנייד. אני מצטער על חטיפת הפורום שלך, אבל אף אחד לא הצליח לעזור לי על חלקים אחרים של הפורום. תודה.
  5. I'm sorry to have to boost the thread like this, but I think it's better than starting a new one since the problem isn't solved yet. UP!
  6. The parts shown in this picture : http://imgur.com/a/dOa2p
  7. Hello, I'm trying to change the Arabic font of my site. I put the font on global.css/blockcart.css and superfish-modified.css and it worked perfectly. However some parts of the website isn't changing. And I don't know which modules I need to edit to change the font. Picture shows the unchanged fonts : http://imgur.com/a/dOa2p --- Also : additional question in case it's simple enough to not need a dedicated thread : The big orange square, why isn't it showing the rest of the text. Is there anyway to fix it without shortening the texts?
  8. It's not cached. After editing the padding it does change in the desktop view but no changes whatsoever to the mobile view. I've been searching and trying to fix this for multiple days now with no success :/
  9. Sadly this didn't change a thing at all, In fact even if I put ridiculously high values to test still nothing changes.
  10. Hello, My store is available in both English and Arabic. When using English the website works flawlessly but since Arabic is written right to left I encountered a small problem when viewing the website from mobile. When opening the categories the small cross that expands the categories is covering the category name. I need to either move the cross to the left or to move the category slightly to the left so it's not covered. Image showing the problem : http://imgur.com/a/MJLdn
  11. I linked to the tutorial in my first post. I'm using PopUp Pro. And I'm using this tutorial : https://mypresta.eu/en/art/developer/responsive-popup-with-currency-selection.html I tried switching "setCurrency" to "countries" and to "setLanguage" and neither worked. I also tried this : $id_lang=(int)Tools::getValue('id_lang'); $default_lang =Configuration::updateValue('PS_LANG_DEFAULT',$id_lang); And it didn't work. I also tried changing the language cookie but for some reason when I type in "cookie->" the ">" changes into ">" in the Popup Pro module so I couldn't change the cookie. The code that I'm trying to edit changes the currency perfectly but I'm trying to modify it to do the same to language. The code in question : <h2 style="text-align: center;">Select your currency</h2> <ul class="popupcurrencies"> <li onclick="setCurrency(1); $.closeOverlay();"><a rel="nofollow" title="Pound (GBP)">(GBP)<br />Pound</a></li> <li onclick="setCurrency(2); $.closeOverlay();"><a rel="nofollow" title="Z�oty (PLN)">(PLN) <br />Z�oty</a></li> <li onclick="setCurrency(3); $.closeOverlay();"><a rel="nofollow" title="Euro (EUR)">(EUR) <br />Euro</a></li> <li onclick="setCurrency(4); $.closeOverlay();"><a rel="nofollow" title="Dollar (USD)">(USD) <br />Dollar</a></li> </ul> <style> .popupcurrencies { list-style:none; margin:auto; display:block; min-width:450px; clear:both; overflow:hidden; } .popupcurrencies li a { display:inline-block; background: #FE5F55; color:#F0B67F; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; padding:20px; border-radius:4px; width:100px; float:left; margin:5px; cursor:pointer; } .popupcurrencies li a:hover { background:#FF8077; } </style> And by the way. By "didn't work" I mean it literally didn't do anything. Clicking the button didn't even close the overlay.
  12. Hello, I saw this tutorial about changing the default currency using a popup. I bought the module and I'm now trying to change the code to change the default language instead. Could someone help me modify the code to adapt it to my need? Thanks.
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